Recent content by Wombat

  1. Wombat

    Time Travels and Meets Future Self

    I'm time traveling right now.
  2. Wombat

    Film Schools?

    With a 2.5 GPA, odds are good that you don't have much choice. Get an AA at your local college and transfer to the in-state college with the best film school. That's likely your cheapest, best option, if you're deadset on getting a film degree. I'm sort of in your situation, in that I have a...
  3. Wombat

    Seemingly-random camera movement -- why do you do that?

    Yeah, it completely ruined the movie for me (well, that, and how completely nonsensical the whole thing was). Battlefield Earth should be required viewing for every director. Yearly, probably, just as a grim reminder. I haven't noticed an abundance of unnecessary moving cameras lately, but...
  4. Wombat

    Distribution Plan

    I'll be following this thread closely. Good luck, trueindie. I hope this works out, because I really want this method or something similar to become a viable model in the future, as the one thing you can't download is a theater experience. And also, thanks to anyone else contributing films...
  5. Wombat

    Tips for realistic "tan"?

  6. Wombat

    That didn't take long

    10,000? Wow. Obviously pirating really hurts the little guys, but in a way, that's kind of flattering. I didn't see it on any of the popular, open trackers.
  7. Wombat

    help build an editing is what i have.

    The i5 only has four cores, and zero virtual ones. Otherwise, that's good to know.
  8. Wombat

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    A Place Called Chiapas Documentary about the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, Mexico. Pretty standard 90's subject doc stuff, though there is a sublime moment where a group of indigenous Mexicans are attending a church service and sing Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind" in Spanish. It's sluggish at...
  9. Wombat

    Turn around time between scenes

    Hmm, I suppose most no budget (<$50k) indies tend to be more dialogue heavy out of necessity, which of course equates to a higher page-per-minute formula. That still seems like a breakneck pace; you didn't have to set up lighting in most of your scenes, right? I feel like that would be a...
  10. Wombat

    Turn around time between scenes

    That's five minutes of film length which means the average feature of 100 minutes will have a 20 day shooting schedule. I think it seems a tad optimistic but I have no feature shooting experience, so. 20 days does seems pretty quick, though, even with magic math.
  11. Wombat

    The Avengers used iPhone 4 for filming

    I was going to say that, heh. Interestingly enough, this thread also happens to coincide with my fairly rational hatred of Apple. I passionately dislike a lot of things, come to think of it. Okay, I could see that, but if that's what's actually in the movie I think it would be false to...
  12. Wombat

    The Avengers used iPhone 4 for filming

    I think this is a huge benefit to the way Marvel Studios is now creating a shared universe within their movies. Less time can be spent introducing characters in subsequent films since the idea is that you're already familiar with them from previous films, allowing them more time to devote to...
  13. Wombat

    help build an editing is what i have.

    Oh, that I didn't know. I figured you'd also want to keep those files on the same drive. Good to know. Depending on your technology suite 60GB could feasibly not be enough. It's nice to have extra wiggle room and space for Ways to Mindlessly Accelerate Your Impending Doom (read: video games).
  14. Wombat

    help build an editing is what i have.

    I was kind of worrying that 120GB might not be enough. I've read that for most people it is, but I plan on using a hacked GH2 which will have much larger files so... I prefer SSD over RAID arrays because I'm lazy. RAID requires conscious effort and some modicum of technical skill, whereas you...