Jack Lynt

Favorite Film(s)
The Abyss. Adaptation. Alien I, II, and IV. Apocalypse now. The Avengers. Babe: A Little Pig Goes a Long Way. Babe: Pig in the City. Blade Runner. Bram Stoker's Dracula. Bringing Up Baby. Casablanca. Cast Away. Deep Impact. Empire Strikes Back. Fog of War. Galaxy Quest. Godfather Trilogy. From Hell. Harry Potter Series. Hell Boy I and II. Highlander. Interstellar. Interview with the Vampire. It's a Wonderful Life. Jaws. Joy Luck Club. Kill Bill 1, 2. Last Temptation of Christ. Magnolia. Milk. Mission to Mars. Mulholland Drive. The Ninth Gate. No End in Sight. Perfume. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Serenity. Short Bus. A Single Man. Sleepy Hollow. Solaris (2002). Spider-Man 2. Stardust. Star Trek 4, 6, 8, Into Darkness. Strapped. Terminator 1-5. Titanic (1997). Underworld Series. The White Countess. X-Men 1,2,4,5.
Favorite Director(s)
Paul Thomas Anderson. James Cameron. Cohen Brothers. Francis Ford Coppola. Frank Darabont. David Fincher. Jim Jarmusch. Neil Jordan. David Lynch. Errol Morris. Roman Polanski. Sam Raimi. John Sayles. Jeremy Saulnier. Martin Scorsese. Ridley Scott. Tony Scott. Steven Spielberg. Joss Whedan.


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