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Misleading subject line, yes? It's not what you promise, and that negatively affects your reputation. And how effective is it? Lots'a people refuse to click on naked links. You don't mention anything about your project, not even its title. What's it about?
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I don't see much on this movie except a lot of "Coming Soon" posts going back to 2017, and "Lunch" is the working title which changes when it enters post production.
I don't see much on this movie except a lot of "Coming Soon" posts going back to 2017, and "Lunch" is the working title which changes when it enters post production.
The film has been in "Development Hell" since 2017 I think. The movie only had one campaign run on kickstarter in 2013 or 2017 and it was a failure because of me that ran it but I still don't understand fully about Crowdfunding so I'm searching for a Campaign Manager to bring it on home for the production budget that it needs. As for the logline and synopsis? They are there on the movie website on social media. And my company's policy is strict in confidentiality until our end products or intellectual properties are released. So, maybe you can put me in touch with a friend or colleagues on how to give it the attention and funding it needs.
Misleading subject line, yes? It's not what you promise, and that negatively affects your reputation. And how effective is it? Lots'a people refuse to click on naked links. You don't mention anything about your project, not even its title. What's it about?
Allow me to explain would you? Instead of ignorantly verbally ripping a guy apart without giving him a chance to explain. The link is good. My reputation is good, do not judge me until you have met me in person. I did mention it's title, LUNCH (working title) for now until the film is in Post. You accuse but you aren't too observant are you? You can read or learn about what it's about by clicking on the film's website link on my profile...unless you can't find that too? The film has been in "Development Hell" since 2017, quick, tell me what you think that term in the business means and without googling it. See I can be a wise guy too, how does it feel, and what kind of alias is "the lone banana"? Nobody likes to be disrespected. The movie only had one campaign run on kickstarter in 2013 or 2017 and it was a failure because of me that ran it but I still don't understand fully about Crowdfunding so I'm searching for a Campaign Manager to bring it on home for the production budget that it needs. As for the logline and synopsis? They are there on the movie website on social media, you probably were not looking in the right place. And my company's policy is strict in confidentiality until our end products or intellectual properties are released. So, if you are such an expert, maybe you can teach me how to give it the attention it needs. Otherwise, keep your negative constructive criticism to yourself
What did you post the link for? I don't see a trailer or anything just a company name. What are we supposed to be seeing?
As for the logline and synopsis? They are there on the movie website on social media, you probably were not looking in the right place.
Telling people to go find their own info on your film when you are trying to get people to know about it is beyond odd.
What did you post the link for? I don't see a trailer or anything just a company name. What are we supposed to be seeing?
Listen I apologize for the rudeness. I've had a tough day but it's no excuse to take it out on others. Ok, I was trying to save time and make my other websites known. No trailer or teaser yet until we get the needed financial capital for that film enough to start working on it, I pay employees by revenue streams that comes in from other properties and ancillaries and merchandising profits, etc. Basically, it's a shell of a film until we can acquire the necessary capital to move forward in stages to preproduction. Examples: Few hours or scenes of footage by my Camera/G&E Crew to have compiled down to 1-3 minutes for a Trailer produced by my company's Post Production company. My company works in-house from Division to Division and Department to Department. If what I posted isn't satisfactory I can take it off?
Telling people to go find their own info on your film when you are trying to get people to know about it is beyond odd.
Hey what can I say, I'm no PR guy or Marketing genius. And the film is a bit strange or odd in some people's perspectives I would imagine.
I like the production company title screen, very 80’s! Definitely sets your expectations for what type of a movie you’re going to see.

However isn’t posting your work-in-progress opening credits before even a frame of the film has been shot a bit like putting the cart before the horse? I think it might be a better idea to post some concept art or other pre-production material to build some buzz.

Crowdfunding a short film is very hard, especially in this economy. You have to have a large and dedicated fanbase of people who like what you do and who are willing to put their hard earned money on the line to fund your dream.

Even with the most experienced crowdfunding expert it’s going to be an uphill battle, and I suspect it would take so much of your time and money to start and market the crowdfunding campaign, especially with a third party consultant charging a fee, that it’s not going to be worth it.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but it feels like you are waiting for deus ex machina, where a crowdfunding guru will appear and help you start a succesfull crowdfunding campaign. But it’s not going to happen. You have to put the work in yourself.

I took a look at your production company’s profile and scrolled back several years, lots of talk about film productions and such, but no examples of any finished projects. Have you finished any short films or produced ads for local businesses or anything? If you haven’t that’s cool. It’s just that without a track record a crowdfunding campaign is a very unrealistic approach to fundraising.

My advice would be to scale the budget to something you can pay yourself out of pocket. If the script is too long, shorten it, or film one scene as a proof of concept. With a finished short it will be easier to get people on board your next venture now that you’ve proven you can succesfully finish a project.
Can you post the synopsis here?
Sure. Yeah, I think I can do that? And lookout because you're gonna get more than you asked for, don't blame me, you asked for this. This picture has been in Development Hell for years but I cannot imagine why since it will be what many are craving nowadays and that's the 1980's and 1990's tone of Cinema including myself as a big fan. LUNCH is a effects heavy plot driven yet character driven too genre motion picture that I feel will wow audiences when delivered.

Mostly in Development still for lack of funding capital to bring it to fruition as my vision, after long research I figured out we'd need $175,000.00 for the short film proof of concept and when that took off we would acquire the production budget of $3,500,000.00 for the feature motion picture. I calculated the budget expenses because it is an effects heavy fantasy horror dark comedy picture. But at it's core or central nerve, the movie is a Character-driven story emphasizing the complexity of what it means to be human, appealing to audiences sense of pleasure at a higher plane. This is when the main character sacrifices herself for both worlds or dimensions. Hers and ours. All that I could do myself in Preproduction I started awhile ago in 2017, I guess you can say this is a personal film to me, an escape genre; things like concept designs on a Wacom Cintiq and Photoshop plus hand drawn on paper, concept set models, character concept maquettes, storyboards, one character's costume, a few stunt/hand props, and of course I thought ahead as I do always and wrote longhand and typed two screenplays with a Co-Screenwriter Dean Espinoza here in Jersey, one script at 20 minutes or 20 pages for the short film and another at over 100 minutes for the feature motion picture. But the feature's tone changed subtly. At one point we had the film on a website called Slated.com and had $11MM in our Escrow and Production Accounts at the bank! But the investors pulled out because it was running too slow. That broke my heart.

I needed more production funds for crew, cinematography, special effects, sets, props, post production and film festival submissions and other things with the crowdfunding campaign. With this funding, we expected to have a final cut by mid 2018. And the backers will get to enjoy memorabilia merchandise in a month when the campaign ended!

"Here's the minimum financial budget breakdown we needed to produce LUNCH:
  • DreamFactory Entertainment Production G&E/Camera equipment and crew - $50000
  • MagicPost Post production (editing, sound design, ADR, Foley, color correction, etc.) - $10000
  • IWS Art Department Production Design (special effects, special make-up effects, visual effects, sets, props, miniatures, matte paintings, and costume wardrobe) - $100000
  • DreamFactory Studios Home Entertainment Marketing and Festival submissions - $10000
  • Kickstarter, Indiegogo or other Crowdfunding Campaign fees - $5000
Any more or when the campaign surpasses our goal of $175,000 then it's icing on the cake and we put more production value on screen and pay everyone extra compensation. Every bit of financial investment is appreciated, and there are a lot of amazing products or merchandise we have in store for backers of the film, including t-shirts, posters, hats, scripts, actual concept art and concept model maquettes from preproduction, latex masks, tickets to opening night, producer credits and even an opportunity to partake on the film! It's going to be big we hope.
I like the production company title screen, very 80’s! Definitely sets your expectations for what type of a movie you’re going to see.

However isn’t posting your work-in-progress opening credits before even a frame of the film has been shot a bit like putting the cart before the horse? I think it might be a better idea to post some concept art or other pre-production material to build some buzz.

Crowdfunding a short film is very hard, especially in this economy. You have to have a large and dedicated fanbase of people who like what you do and who are willing to put their hard earned money on the line to fund your dream.

Even with the most experienced crowdfunding expert it’s going to be an uphill battle, and I suspect it would take so much of your time and money to start and market the crowdfunding campaign, especially with a third party consultant charging a fee, that it’s not going to be worth it.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but it feels like you are waiting for deus ex machina, where a crowdfunding guru will appear and help you start a succesfull crowdfunding campaign. But it’s not going to happen. You have to put the work in yourself.

I took a look at your production company’s profile and scrolled back several years, lots of talk about film productions and such, but no examples of any finished projects. Have you finished any short films or produced ads for local businesses or anything? If you haven’t that’s cool. It’s just that without a track record a crowdfunding campaign is a very unrealistic approach to fundraising.

My advice would be to scale the budget to something you can pay yourself out of pocket. If the script is too long, shorten it, or film one scene as a proof of concept. With a finished short it will be easier to get people on board your next venture now that you’ve proven you can succesfully finish a project.
You wanna see Concept Art and Preproduction planning? Ok.
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Thanks man cool stuff! Making yourself look bigger than you are is not necessary in this game. I know some people get caught up in studio names and slick title graphics before they even have a film. And a lot of your social posts are in the third person, like your CEO or Founder bought some new supplies and this and that department... meh, just be you, and have a good product.
"Here's the minimum financial budget breakdown we needed to produce LUNCH:
  • DreamFactory Entertainment Production G&E/Camera equipment and crew - $50000
  • MagicPost Post production (editing, sound design, ADR, Foley, color correction, etc.) - $10000
  • IWS Art Department Production Design (special effects, special make-up effects, visual effects, sets, props, miniatures, matte paintings, and costume wardrobe) - $100000
  • DreamFactory Studios Home Entertainment Marketing and Festival submissions - $10000
  • Kickstarter, Indiegogo or other Crowdfunding Campaign fees - $5000

Five grand isn’t going to cover it. Kickstarter’s fees alone are 8% or $14,000 out of 175,000, and you have to pay taxes on it. And that’s still not including the costs of all the perks.

Crowdfunding is expensive and very time consuming.
Thanks man cool stuff! Making yourself look bigger than you are is not necessary in this game. I know some people get caught up in studio names and slick title graphics before they even have a film. And a lot of your social posts are in the third person, like your CEO or Founder bought some new supplies and this and that department... meh, just be you, and have a good product.
Being sarcastic or are you real when you said that?
I'm not making myself look bigger my company's structure is an LLC with Divisions and Departments within. Reason my posts say that is because in that appointed time they were typed by a Marketing person I hired because I was busy setting up the company then. But times have changed and here I am doing most things myself because my assets are dried up. I am me and I wouldn't have it any other way than to make good products.
Five grand isn’t going to cover it. Kickstarter’s fees alone are 8% or $14,000 out of 175,000, and you have to pay taxes on it. And that’s still not including the costs of all the perks.

Crowdfunding is expensive and very time consuming.
If that's true? Thank you I didn't know that.