editing Question about a room tone problem.

Basically I have a short film where the whole film takes place in one location. However, I only recorded one minute of room tone approximately, where as the final scene, will be around five minutes or more.

When I try to take the room tone clip, make copies of it, and line up all the copies until the scene is over, there is a popping sound in between the clips. The pop is not in the original recording. It is only happening when the sound transfers from clip to clip.

I tried putting crossfades on it, as well as trying other things, but I cannot get rid of that pop, without erasing the sound, but if i do that, one will hear it erase. So is there anything I can do, or something that I am missing to fix this problem by any chance?
My concern is that if you are copying the original audio and it's similar in content then why should there be a popping sound when you paste it in the sequencer?
Shorten the front and end of the room tone, copy it from there, and then crossfade it. When you don't shorten the audio and apply the crossfade, then there's no actual audio to crossfade with.
No they are not overlapping, but you can still a crossfade, when they are next each other. Unless I am doing it wrong?

Yes, as WalterB said, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. To do a crossfade the audio clips MUST OVERLAP.

I said that in my original reply. I even gave you a visual example.

Are the clips actually overlapping?????? Which they need to be to do a crossfade!!!! They cross over each other.

Dude, if you need a visual, a dissolve is to picture what a crossfade is to audio... and you know that in order to dissolve, you need to overlap... otherwise you simply have a fade out to a fade in...
But H44 doesn't.

Only in Game of Thrones does the North remember.

(And to H44 painting a door red and painting a door green are 2 different things, so any advice on painting the door red is ignored when having to paint a door green.)
My concern is that if you are copying the original audio and it's similar in content then why should there be a popping sound when you paste it in the sequencer?
Hard cuts in audio can pop and often do.

It happens when the edit is not on a zero crossing point.


Making the audio cut at a zero crossing point only mitigates the problem, it's not a solution. That's why we have fades - fade-in, fade-out, and various types of crossfades.