Okay thanks. Mainly the cross dissolves are longer cause I thought it would more effectively, show the changes as it fades from one to the other. But I could quicken them if that is better. The client also wanted the video to be around 3 minutes long, but I feel there is not enough for three minutes to keep it interesting, since it's pretty straightforward, and doesn't really need that long I don't think.
As for the choices of transitions, being inconsistent, do I have to use the same transition every time? Isn't okay to have a different one if you feel that a different transition would work more appropriately for the given scene change? Why do you they all have to the same, and therefore could get repetitive, or so I thought?
And yes, the before and after sequence, is all the same place, it just looks really different after they poured concrete over it and moved everything around. The reason why it doesn't look the same, is cause it was changed around so much. Even when I was called back to get other shots that day, I too was surprised at how much the place had changed. Is there anything I can to make it look the same since it's so different, that it's hard to tell?
Unfortunately I do not have any shots from up high, cause I was only allowed to be on the ground when doing this. I wanted to get up on the scissor lift to get some, but they were to busy for that, which was understandable.
As for shots from down low, what do you mean exactly? I took them all from the ground, pointing at the changes made, so I couldn't get any lower, at least not that I could think of.
I do have more close ups of what is going on, but I thought that the close ups would not be interesting, cause this video is going to be shown to people in the company, and it's not like they are very tech savvy in how all these machinery works. I thought they would be more interested in seeing the construction changes, rather than getting that much into the machinery. Which is why I only showed a few shots of the machines.
Do you think I should show more close ups of the machines, even though they are probably more interested in the building changes? Although I don't have close ups of tools or sparks flying, cause I was not allowed to get in that close, and get in their way. So if I do another job like this, and I am restricted to not getting as many close ups, what could I do instead?
And yes, I do have more close ups of the big drill going into the ground, but the drill takes so long to go in and out, that I thought it would kill the pacing. For example, there is the one shots of the drill beginning to go in. What do I need to more establish that a drill is going into the ground? I don't want to show the slow process of it, if it means hitting the viewer over the head with it either, so what more do I need to show exactly? Thanks for the input

As for the ending, ending abruptly, it didn't do that before. I think something happened when I uploaded it to youtube that caused the sound to get cut off. I will check out that out. Thanks
