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Stockholm Santa Kickstarter is Live!

Hey friends and fellow filmmakers! It's officially official. Today is the first day of Satyrica Films presents Stockholm Santa's 32-Day Kickstarter Campaign Let's Make A Film Marathon! (say that three times fast)

Check out the campaign page, watch the video, read the pitch, drool over the awesome rewards, and get involved today!


Any and all help is appreciated, be that a donation, advice, or sharing the project with your friends/family/network. It's going to be a long and hard uphill battle for these next 32 days. But I'm confident that with your help, we can reach our goal of $2,206!!

Sammi Stephans
Writer and Director, Stockholm Santa
Why thankyou, Jeff :)

And Dan. You freakin' rock! Awesome!

Now I just gotta get on the ball with all those 'personal messages' that are so important. And I thought writing thankyou notes was hard... "Hi Grandma, I know I just had a birthday. But can you please give me more money?" :P
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I've just signed up to KickStarter. You're my first pledge! You've now got your first $100! That's gotta be a milestone, right?

That's a really good video pitch you've got there too! Great stuff! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Indietalkers got behind Nate's project too. His needed a lot more though. You're about 5% funded and about 5% into your deadline. Really good momentum! If it can keep up you'll have it!
Yes, let's hope I can translate this momentum outside of IT (not that I'm discouraging more donations from my peeps here ;) )

And thanks, C-Funk!