archived-videos Last Weekends Scott Family Movie fun

Hi all,
me and the kids crafted a min movie over the weekend.

I'm dong the visual effects now, sound and music next. All the footage is in the can, most of my other family projects are incomplete because a loss of momentum. Filming with kids is like herding cats!

Here is the first 60 seconds (MOS)
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All I can say is, Fantastic!! Once you get that suspensful music, some nice foley/sound fx, it's gonna be awesome.

I like the way the 'handheld' gave it that suspensful feel.
No doubt, Ill finish this one! Edit is locked and done, so its just visual effects, sound and maybe color for effect left. I have a few more bullet hits, a half dozen muzzle flashes to go. For what its worth, its only about 2 minutes long total.. so don't expect too much!

I like that title! Seriously, might go with it! (trademark infringement be DAMNED!)

Iv changed the way I do hand held, to good effect I think. I've tweaked my "shoulder" rig to allow me to hand hold off my hip\under my arm. The lower position just gives better default angles to my eye. But man, my biceps were hurting after about 3 hours. Not in a bad way though, more like a good work out with the dumb bells!
And they said you had to go to school to learn how to do something like that.

Wheat, you did all of that just by learning on your own and this board, no? lol... It's better than half the stuff I see every day.

And every time I see one of Wheat's videos it has different kids in it. How many kids do you have?! jk
Something you'll no doubt have potential suitors watch before asking your daughters out. Can I borrow some firearms to make one of these with my daughter?
Yup, this board is responsible for about 90% of what Iv learned, the rest,, "hands on" and three books. "Master Shots", "DV Rebel Guide...", and "Directing Cut by Cut."

five kids at home, one flown the coup..

With the boys that come sniffing around the two teenage hotties, I prefer the "20 acres and a back hoe" speech followed up with a "bonding" session cleaning guns...

Id loan you these airsoft guns, but I burrowed them my self..

The real armory cant be shipped across state lines.. :P
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Now With SOUND! (same 60 secs or so.. )

Downloaded "Pro Scores" and several SFX from playing around...
Thanks CF..
That videocopilot "pro scores" product is pretty good. Iv been eyeballing it for a few months now... finally pulled the trigger yesterday while at work, downloaded and took it home..

pretty useful in my opinion. Sure, its not as edgy as the original guitar rock stuff I did in the DR Cookie fight scene, but gezze, there is a LOT to be said for getin er done and not spending three days for a 28 second sequence!
Thanks CF..
That videocopilot "pro scores" product is pretty good. Iv been eyeballing it for a few months now... finally pulled the trigger yesterday while at work, downloaded and took it home..

pretty useful in my opinion. Sure, its not as edgy as the original guitar rock stuff I did in the DR Cookie fight scene, but gezze, there is a LOT to be said for getin er done and not spending three days for a 28 second sequence!

OMG, I'm SO buying that. I haven't started checking out videocopilot very much -- thought they were just for AE stuff (still doing basic editing, not yet ready to dive into AE). I didn't know "Pro Scores" was even a thing. Just checked it out, and I'm AMPED! That's so sweet!

Thanks for showing this to me, wheat.

When you're done, I'm doing the sound on this.

Send me an H264 mov with the score you want with it. I'll handle the rest.

Try to keep it under 5 mins because I don't have a lot of time to spare nowadays.

Try to keep spots in there where I can fade to zero for suspense. Also, can you record your kids running/breathing and small reactions for me?
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@ROC.. great, I wont hold you to it until you see the entire 2.5 min project. You might hate it when its all done... Im not posting any more incomplete version until shes all done.. so well work off line..

I do have to say, your response suggest your NOT liking what Im doing so far? It was rough, no levels set, just playing with the new music tools.. should I let my one feeling be hurt?
wheat, honestly, I see the potential in this being a great short.

Not liking? No way! Your levels are actually quite good - music has impact, foley is where it needs to be, etc. etc.

I see it as a good drill myself as well as provide you with a neat little short for a possible demo-reel or what-not. In the next few weeks I'm going to have a breath of spare time (maybe) that I can use my foley stage and dubbing room to really pump out an awesome soundtrack.

At the very least it will definitely be a piece to put in the family library to watch when these kids graduate high-school.

p.s. I'm still waiting for Cracker Funk to put up a 2.5 min film MOS ;)
I also just want to set an example of what this board could be used for - and to reward wheat for the help he's given others.
ah schucks...

Ill finish er up over the long weekend, I had already planed on getting some Foley takes, so were all lined up on that score... Ill PM you where to download the assets. Thanks again for you offer, and the words of encouragement..