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watch Zombies in downtown Pittsburgh.


In the coming week or so, the final cut of my sophomore film will be available on youtube and I'll definitely be posting here about it. In the meantime, I wanted to post one of my freshman films for you all to enjoy.

It's a zombie film, too. Comments and discussion would be greatly appreciated.

Also, can you guess which zombie film I take influence from?
My only suggestion is you should start using light.

Sure, with video cameras you get an image, but without lighting
it’s flat. Even if you just grab a paper lantern and use it to
light the actors faces you’ll create something a little more

Just my opinion - of course - but the availability of “point and
shoot” video cameras seems to make movie makers a little lazy in
both the audio and lighting aspects.

I’m a huge fan of zombie movies. It’s quite a challenge to do
something really original within that genre. I saw some nice
style and excellent use of the standards. I look forward to
seeing you take that talent to a different level. Really push
yourself - take chances.
I agree. Looking back on it, the lighting is very flat, especially during that first dorm floor scene. We didn't get to use light kits until our third film so I tried to create some of that mood with color correction... and it shows. No matter how you jimmy with color-correction, a correctly lit scene always look better.

Thank you for your compliments. I definitely want to start taking chances with my future work. The tendency it seems in some, if not all, of our junior and senior level films at Point Park is to play it safe. Maybe it's because these films are a big deal, so they want to do them right. So nobody wants to mess up, and nobody does anything out of the ordinary. That's my guess anyways.
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Well it was good but 2 thing could have made it more interesting

Lighting and Music.

In lighting i think darkness or shooted in night would have made it great.
When the guy entered in the saviors building and after turning into zombie he started biting them music was horrible........... it wast horrifing but looked likeBRAD pit running after decoity in Ocean11 :D
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What's up with you, MacV, and Bpeas all posting from the same computer and acting like you don't know each other? Or is this just one person dogging his own films?
Easy now, MacV and I are different people. We just attend the same film school and are in the same group for Production. I took my laptop on set because he is our sound/editor....and their was no sound. But to clarify...we are different people......we just know each other....haha
Yeah, we have been posting on the same computer. I even posted on his name by accident just now.

I guess he didn't want anybody to respond to us differently because we know each other, so he pretended he didn't know me at first. lol, well that's stupid, because now you guys are probably sketched out. But maybe with this new perspective of understanding we can move along, and still not respond to us differently. A brighter day is ahead of us.