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Hello to all. Good excuse for a first post.

50/50 Films, Inc., based in Dallas, Texas, is a partnership between Director/Editor Tony Quinn and Producer/Composer/Sound Designer Matt Thompson, formed on the foundation of creating multimedia products of artistic integrity combined with vast depths of marketability and appeal. We're seeking distribution on two projects: the dramatic comedy Case Study (completed late 2005) and our new horror film (currently in post production) due June 2006, The Lycanthrope:

50/50 Films Website

Our latest feature (horror picture):

The Lycanthrope Website

Please stop by for a visit.
Thank you for the compliments. The trailer's actually just an assembly of the initial idea Tony had for the film. We're editing the 'official' trailer for release next week, which we're very excited about.

Tons of cool stuff on this site as well!