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Writers Dictionary

I am trying to get the funding to make a old school 1970 style Sci-Fi or even a Drama.

I would like to make the sci-fi but drama would cost less ( I have stories for both )

coming up with ideas is easy the rest I will need help with if I am ever going to pull this thing off.

PM me if you can help, or post here

my website
3D modeler/artist

A 3D modeler/artist joined the team today but I will still need many more people to make this movie.

I will need a team of graphic artist / people good with 3d studio max and programs like Vue5 and even poser.

I will also need sound effects people.

The list is long but you get the idea
I have done a few update to my website as well
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and other stories as well - all in bad need of an edit but it will give you an idea of the feel I am after.
every story on this site was written by me ( and yes they all have a poor mans copyright )
According to the official copyright website (http://www.copyright.gov):
“The practice of sending a copy of your own work to yourself is sometimes called a poor man’s copyright. There is no provision in the copyright law regarding any such type of protection, and it is not a substitute for registration.”

Of course you can save that pesky fee and use this myth. If nothing ever happens and you never need to prove the date your writing was registered, then you're in good shape and you have saved $20.

If some time in the future you need to show proof of ownership with a specific date, your sealed envelope won't offer that proof in a court of law.

About three years ago I got into a discussion with someone who swore they heard of a case where this method held up in court. It prompted me to do a lot of research.

I then started shooting a documentary. I interviewed sixteen lawyers who specialize in copyright infringement in New York, Los Angeles, Austin and Chicago. I spoke to five judges and fourteen established writers.

In three years of research I have never found a single case, nor heard officially of a single case where this method has held up in court. I managed to tracked down six people (writers, photographers and composers) who had tried and failed in court.

Type "poorman's copyright" into Google and you'll find several hundred articles written about this. Use it if you must, but use it knowing the facts.
In three years of research I have never found a single case, nor heard officially of a single case where this method has held up in court. I managed to tracked down six people (writers, photographers and composers) who had tried and failed in court.

Type "poorman's copyright" into Google and you'll find several hundred articles written about this. Use it if you must, but use it knowing the facts.

Thanks I do need to get a real copyright, as a matter of fact that is why I have not posted any more of the new story on the site.
I was worried about the same thing.

I was reading that it takes 45 dollors to get a copyright, but you say 20 dollors, could you give me some more info on this.
Production company

I started a production company a few days ago and I have been working on the scipt (s) some more.
The intro for the company is also in the works and I am trying to track down some sound sample to base a music score from.

I have people already asking for acting parts in the movie, one lady said she went to acting school and could do anything I needed :yes: even be a tree :hmm: but I told her that I'm not to the point of needing actors yet.

I had another girl that wants to direct it, she said she always wanted to be a director, so I ask her if she had ever directed anything and she said NO, so I ask her if she had any training in directing and she said NO--- Humm I wonder if I will be using her to direct this movie :no:

aww show biz, what a mess it can be, and the project is just starting, what fun.
haha- sounds like you're diving right in there! Don't get burned! Good luck and welcome- use the resources here as much as you can!
Don't be afraid to screw up so long as you learn from it! I've learned tons by pushing my way through a half-assed production. So has everybody working on the project. Even our set photographer started with no knowledge of photography...his pix from the last shooting day and our 48 hour project are much better than the first day of shooting.
haha- sounds like you're diving right in there! Don't get burned! Good luck and welcome- use the resources here as much as you can!

Yes I am taking the big leap, but as the saying goes. If you keep doing what you're doing, you will keep getting what you're getting.

So the only way to get these ideas from my head and onto film was to jump right in.

And I do have one person from this site helping out 'Fredrik Blom' said he would help with the music.
I already had someone willing to do the music for the movie but when I came to this site and found the composers links I found Fredrik's song Invitation and it had the right feel for my Drama story so I contacted him and he joined up.

Don't be afraid to screw up so long as you learn from it! I've learned tons by pushing my way through a half-assed production. So has everybody working on the project. Even our set photographer started with no knowledge of photography...his pix from the last shooting day and our 48 hour project are much better than the first day of shooting.

Yes it's a lot to learn but what I am looking for right now is some videos on 'Lighting' I think bad lighting is one of the main things that hurts people just starting out

I have the stories to make great movies but It will take some time to gets everything in place
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My recommendation is to work on learning one thing per short film...if you are doing it that way...we did a feature, so it was one thing per shooting day. Each day we dialled something else in...the last day of shooting, it all came to gether with great looking footage compared to when we started.