Would like to get a crew together for web series. Able to go to PA

(I understand this is okay, if not, sorry and make sure my death is dignified. Or point me in the right direction)

So, I have an idea of a web series that I think has potential to be good. There's a summary of it at the end of this post.

Of course, I need crew, co-writers and all the important people that make film to get it started. I want to know if there is a general interest in this, if only for confidence reasons. I don't plan on this being high budget, in fact I plan on it being low budget. I hoping through that if we are successful enough, the budget will get larger to give us more breathing room.

Of course, you need to able to get to PA or the Great Philadelphia Area (I am not giving my exact location on this post, but will in the email if you want).

If you would like to contact me my email is shaggsterortiz@icloud.com

Basically, this will be a sci-fi series without Humans (I don't plan on them making a direct appearance until the second season/part of the series, when the budget is higher...hopefully) about a young woman named Emil (She doesn't use her last name for in-character reasons) a mixed-race (between a Ragon female, a member of the ruling dynasty of the Ragon Empire and a Fevori Slave) assassin who was raised in the royal court until 12, were she was kidnapped and saved by Sasko (Her father and bodyguard of her mother) through her mother was killed. The web series will start when she's 25, working with Sasko to assassinate Imperial figures. Sasko wants to kill Joeda (a main character of another story, he won't be making an appearance).

Unfortunately, Sasko is killed forcing Emil to adapt and try to fulfill Sasko's wish. The story will focus on her maturing and trying to live in a society that hates "mongrel" and the fact that her extended family wants her dead, with a little awkward romance (intentionally) and themes of what makes a man truly evil, when justice is just revenge by another name and various others.
Sounds like an interesting idea. When will you finish the script?

I'm thinking it might be a little early to put together a crew without
a start date. People are usually more interested in helping out when
they know when. Realistically it could take you over a year to be ready
to get a start date. Most serious crew members find it impossible to
commit to a project that is still in the idea stage.
The entire first season is in my head, along with the villain of the seconds and its start.

Maybe I'm paranoid but I want to know of people are interested in this. I want a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
If you will only write a script if you know people are interested
then you have a very, very difficult task ahead of you. Every
project starts with a script. It is the script that motivates people
to get involved.

I'm curious; Is this a story you are passionate about?

If it is I don't see the harm in writing it. Even if you cannot see the
light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe, after you have written it you
will find a crew, co-writers and all the important people. It might take
time but it will be worth it.

If it isn't a story you are passionate about and you will only write it if
other people show interest then what happens if those people lose
interest? Do you stop writing it?

A bit of a paradox, isn't it? But all great web series (and novels and TV
series and movies and plays) start with someone with the passion. That's
why I'm curious to your motivation. Why do YOU want to do this?
Oh I do have passion, I've just been frustrated lately with the my lack of progress on finding groups or such near me.

I really want this to work,so the more nervous I get.
You gotta put one foot in front of the other and trust that it will come together from your own determination. It doesn't do you any good to sit there imagining the person you are going to be, just get out there and start being that person now.
That's what I'm trying. It's a mixture that it seems were is lack of anything that can help me (I'd be happy with just a group or class) and me not knowing were to go.
First episode....soon. I can't say for sure because something may come up. But if I don't get distractions it shouldn't take me more than a week.

So, don't get distracted :P

Rik is right: having a script is the best way to interest and motivate.
When someone said "The idea is in my head" one of my teachers used to say: "Then it doesn't exist, because we can't see it." It sounds harsh, but it is very true: I've got a lot in my head, and so does almost everyone else.
But when it has become tangable, it becomes real for the rest of the world.
It transcended from the dream state to physical reality: and that makes it possible for crew to say 'yes'.
BTW, since this is a series, you also need a "Bible" that delineates information about the episodes that follow the pilot.

Another thing to keep in the forefront is that series live or die on character chemistry, so you also need to have great actors who are very comfortable with each other.
For the crew?

The whole first season plot outline is in my head (I just need to get around to making it a google doc), through I don't know were the end the pilot.

Pilot's are often longer than the rest of the episodes right?

Also, if an actor seems to be an ass and with actual malice intended, I'll probably not hire him.

Through I am worried that the main character is a good artist and knows various martial arts/swordfighting styles plus royal etiquette will be too taxing for the actress....
First episode....soon. I can't say for sure because something may come up. But if I don't get distractions it shouldn't take me more than a week.
You seem to be coming up with excuses; something may come up,
you might get distracted, you're worried about casting.

It's very difficult to get people interested in working with you if you
don't have the discipline to write the script. How can you expect crew,
co-writers and all the important people that make film to jump on board
if you are having difficulties writing the script?

Write the script. Get it finished. THEN you can start thinking about
the crew and co-writers and if an actor might be an ass or knows various
martial arts/sword fighting styles plus royal etiquette. Finish your script!
You live in the now.
Write now!
Tomorrow is a dream in a distant future you can only influence by acting NOW.

Just do it :)
K, it's done.

Atleast the rough draft. I may add more scenes or redone the ones I already have, but I have the important ones written down.

I'll post them in the Screenwriting section of the forum.

What now?
What now?

Polish it. Rewrite it. Make it MUCH better. Then do another several
rewrites. Learn proper format. Write the ENTIRE pilot not just the
"important" parts.

Congrats on starting! Now for the hard work. Getting the script into