Tine said:
I actually loved Life of David Gale, it showed both sides of the topic, and let the audience judge for themselves what they though. I loved the way it ended, I thought it was so good and none of my guesses came right on. I think it was an almosr 'sixth sense' type ending, although it is not that type of movie, just that you will never guess the end. I loved it!
Here was my biggest problem with
TLoDG ... it was heavy handed against the death penalty the entire movie, then at the end it tried to get ambiguous. And, of course, David Gale did assist in the death of Constance Harraway, so according to Texas law, he was punished justly.
And being a journalist, I was enraged that the movie hinted that Bitsey Bloom did not reveal the latter portion of the tape. As a journalist, you tell yourself that your job is to find and deliver the truth, "off the record" be damned (there are many ways to get around "off the record", politicians know it, that's usually why they say it, it's like a siganl that says, "Hey, I don't want you to quote me on this, but I want it known.").
Plus, having been to numerous anti death penalty rallies, I found the rally at the capitol attended by David and Constance near the beginning of the film to be laughable. It was all peaceful and tranquil, not like real ones at all. Remember the rally outside the prison on the day of execution? Yeah, that's more like it.
Anyway, I wrote up a full review for a friend's website.
Click here for a review that should have been spell checked thoroughly.
But that's all my opinion, which has been wrong from time to time.