archived-videos World Is Waiting Trailer

I say, it looks quite well done, but I don't get how the title relates to the story. Looks pretty funny though- especially that rolley-ball shot. Well shot.

Maybe I'm not getting the title. Explain it to me slowly, with words that do not exceed three syllables, and also I'd like commas, and run on sentences. Thank you.

Appreciate the feedback, glad it made you laugh a little. Yeah, the title is hard to pull in and that's a good point...the story is about these two guys who are in their own world and think the world is waiting or relying on them...(they think they have the most watched news show in the area-in reality they only have 7 regular viewers) they are a little dissalutioned...

Good point, well taken...maybe we should have thought that out a little better-obviously if one person points it out, at least a few more get the same impression...
Glad you liked it's our best quality(story, visual, entertainment value) project in our 3rd micro budget feature we're excited, comedy is tough but the finished product is lots of laugh out loud ridiculous film #3 we are starting to get a grip on how to market and sell these things, but I don't think being a micro filmmaker and indie is ever going to get easier!
Appreciate the feedback, glad it made you laugh a little. Yeah, the title is hard to pull in and that's a good point...the story is about these two guys who are in their own world and think the world is waiting or relying on them...(they think they have the most watched news show in the area-in reality they only have 7 regular viewers) they are a little dissalutioned...
Good point, well taken...maybe we should have thought that out a little better-obviously if one person points it out, at least a few more get the same impression...

OK, now I get it. Don't get me wrong- I liked the trailer, but the title just threw me off. Now that you've explained it though, it sits a little more goodly. Are you releasing this on DVD then?

Comedy really isn't that hard. It's only difficult if you make it that way.

Actually, it is hard, because it takes BALLS to do it. Big, fat, muscular BALLS. To get up on that stage, or to feed that little bit of your soul through that projector in front of a mob, or to pull down your pants and dance in the fireworks by the river, and then while your parents and everyone you've known in your entire life is in that audience watching your balls dance in the light of a Dutch Candle... you've just put your tender nuggets on the line, my friend! Especially on the web... where all sorts of maniacs lurk with hammers, waiting for a fresh pair to fall into their vicious maws.
But fortunately, that's really all it takes. The BALLS to get UP on the stage, and pull down your pants IN FRONT OF the camera... and once you commit to that with a character and outcome in mind, it's all downhill from there. In the good, snowball picking up speed way. So the only hard part is the easiest part to overcome, because if all else fails and things aren't working out, just finish your sentence and press the submit button, metaphorically speaking. The balls will always heal...:no:
yeah DVD...

We'll probably sell it thru as well and a few family/Christian themed outlets and bookstores...most of the Christian material is so dry and stuffy drama so we're pushing the envelope a bit in terms of the stereo type and what Christian retailers accept...but I'm trying to get them to change their perceptions and realize that Christians need clean entertainment too-not just a sermon in the form of a movie. Christians are people too and they want to see wholesome entertainment, not wholesome in your face sermons...even though we've had material purchased by TBN (cable TV network) we're still on the fringe of the niche and we really can't afford to fall out of the niche-especially as an indie when we don't have the marketing power to cover the mainstream...
Actually, it is hard

It's very interesting to me that you say that. For me, it comes as second nature. I have no fear of getting up on stage in front of a hundred people and allow myself to take a pie in the face, receive the verbal smackdown of the century or even take a kick in the pants. Hell, I've DONE that voluntarily. But I know I'm doing it on purpose and get a good laugh out of it too.

I don't know if people are 'born that way' or whatever it is... Comedy is just easy for some people.

I've give you an excellent example: Just before I was diagnosed with cancer, the original script for Bad Cat 5 involved one hell of an impressive Rube Goldberg machine. It had at least 20 different actions that took place to release a 20 pound sledgehammer that (if the cat was standing in the right place eating from a bowl of food) would kick the animal across the house. But as I watched each individual action execute the next one after it, I didn't pay attention to where I was standing and stood right there on the spot marked X. As you can guess, it was going to turn out I was going to take the most painful crotch shot of all time (all faked, of course!!!).

Then I was in surgery the next week in real life and couldn't get out of bed for a few months. Plans for this great script got shredded. I was in way too much pain to consider making such an effort to pull that off.

Comedy just comes naturally to me. I enjoy it.
It's very interesting to me that you say that.

Aw, I was just looking for a segue so I could talk about BALLS. But if you're a natural, sure! I wish! I myself tend to blank out and become possessed during any live stage performances, be it musical, comedic or theatrical. I think a lot of actors do. It's like a coping mechanism. You sever the connection to reality and become a character, impervious to the opinions of the audience which your crazy non-actor part of the brain is filling in.

During my grade 11 election campaign, I was taken aside by the vice principal and principal into the office, and told that even if I won the democratic election for grade 11 rep, they would take away my victory because they didn't like me. The nerve! The vice principle gave me a shady alternative- bow out, and if I didn't get suspended next year, I could run again. Well, what could I do? I took the deal and shook hands with the devil, my friend.
Fast forward to the election speeches, a few days later. Blood was pumping in my head as the last speech went out. I had prepared a beauty of a script. Sufficed to say, the rules of the game had been changed, and it was my move. I jumped up on a cafeteria table, forgetting for the moment I was wearing a trench coat which scared the living hell out of several onlookers, and made my speech from that table. Watching the teachers swarm and weave their way toward me with every precious word. Spoil Your Ballots!, I said. I promised to run as President next year and end the corruption in the school office. I don't rightly remember all I said though, to be honest, the next thing was Mrs. Foster or Hinton, and the phrase "Denis... get down, now!". I got suspended for that. It gave the VP his loophole so that I wasn't able to run again next year. And the 2nd place for Grade 11 Rep, Celeste, won with only 33 ballots. Over 600 were spoiled with my name.
But the point was, that was a pretty memorable thing. People often referred to me as "that guy from on top of the table" for a while. But that wasn't really me, you see! That was the dramatic "shield of acting" on full alert, that I combine with my BALLS in order to garner up enough nerve to take that first step and get up there. Once I was there, words flowed unhindered- normally a problem with me, but very useful on the stage. And I think the problem is, in comedy, that people have to act of whims and go with whatever immediate inspiration comes... and even though that's a very natural thing to do, society discourages it by promoting normalcy and conformity so people get this double-mind on the matter. It's very natural for a lot of people doing comedy to experience an unnatural reluctance, but once you get out there and do it, and you get that first chuckle from the audience, you just have to let the shield of your character possess you and take you for a ride, and just completely shut down your other functions. If it doesn't feel as if a foreign entity is using your body like a cheap rag, then you could trip over a stray non-actor thought!
And that's the best advice I can give on acting/comedy/coping-with-insanity.

Oh, and Reecer- sorry to derail everything there. The Christian market is probably a great place for indies. Wish I could make a film that would offend and annoy half the people who see it. Or rather, wish half the people who see my films had lower standards! ;)

Thanks for the great feedback guys..sometimes it's a little nerve wracking stepping out there with something as crazy as this..if you want you can "demand me" on our tour..I'm trying this ( thing...even if it's just for fun to click on and put your's another revenue source we are developing and might be a decent idea for some indies to try..we go on tour with music, comedy, the movie, and a talent search to make it an entertainment event...but putting together a tour is no easy task though...we've got a few dates so far and it's hard to know how extensive to make it..
DEMANDED! I think it's a good thing to target christian distro with just entertainment. Shifting the perception of that genre would probably help it expand a bit. Which (purely selfishly) could help me distribute some of the stuff I'm working on as well. It's not christian content, but it's clean and family friendly stuff. I've been working lately toward avoiding having profanity and blantantly kid unfriendly stuff in some of the shorts I've done.

There's a huge market for well done 'G' stuff that isn't being targeted by indies much at all. I've noticed that profanity, sex and guns (not that there's anything wrong with that) is the calling card and perception of independant cinema...that and long drawn out character pieces with no action whatsoever (talking heads).

Bold step, make it count.
I've noticed that profanity, sex and guns (not that there's anything wrong with that) is the calling card and perception of independant cinema...that and long drawn out character pieces with no action whatsoever (talking heads).

What's wrong with character pieces? You're talking about my next flick dude! ;) A dramatic thriller about a woman who has isolated herself in her home.
I agree with your statement Spatula. My project is looking at online relationships vs in person relationships, the psyche of this abused woman and why she has secluded herself. A lot of mind games. If everything goes according to plan it should be good.

As for your comment Knightly I agree. The problem is too many people say "Okay... what can I do cheap" as opposed to "what can I do that's interesting." There's nothing wrong with cheap so long as you have something interesting to say.
New Reviews

Two Reviews were just posted on

- Derringer Summers, 08/17/2007
What a funny movie! I loved so many different scenes in this video. There were some slow parts, but when placed in context to what was going on.. it really was a good movie. These two cornballs continue to search for the answers to lifes problems.. they try all kinds of stupid things only to come up empty. They show scriptures in the move as well that point to christ. Not in your face preaching.. but a clear message is there should you care to use this movie as a tool to share Christ with your unsaved friends. DS

- CL Dyck, 08/16/2007
There is a warning at the start of the movie that viewers should not attempt anything depicted, as it could lead to serious injury or death. They mean it. Except for the chicken suit. You should be okay wearing a chicken suit. The style of humour in TWIW was a little on the young side for my husband and me, but our kids absolutely loved it. By the end of the movie, there was a count going on the number of times Lance's farther end got camera time due to his face getting dirt time, and much cheering when he finally managed to turn the tables on Reece's brother-whupping "coaching" tactics. For myself, I was highly impressed with the boys' complete inability to hold still for even two seconds while locked in an empty garage for 24 hours of deep contemplation. The poison ivy shots are far funnier after reading about the production schedule being delayed due to a rampaging case of.... you guessed it. I think my favourite part of the Tedfords' indie projects (versus Hollywood or even Veggie Tales) is that they're not totally inaccessible to my kids as role models--by networking thru ShoutLife, they're a presence outside the screen as well, and a positive influence. I secretly wondered whether Lance's slightly stunned, nearly non-verbal persona was merely a ruse to allow the true genius behind the project to go incognito. I have since found out that is true. Sorry, Reece, you can't be my indie hero anymore.