archived-videos "Women And The Men They Long For" trailer

This is the trailer for "Women And The Men They Long For," a short comedy (under 20 minutes). The trailer is a minute and a half (about 5 MB).

It can be viewed in QuickTime format on my website:

I served as cinematographer and editor.

It features Adam from "The Real World" and was filmed throughout Los Angeles.

So, check it out!
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Looks interesting. I have one question. How come the song kept cutting out? Is it written that way? Oh, BTW, When the bus drove pass it looked like it was fishtailing. Just the way the camera angle was, I guess :) lol
I don't know, I don't get it.

It looks like the 2 girls can be roommates but there doesn't seem to be a connection to the guy. Just random shots of each character. And the last shot looking at a building and a tree. I have no idea why that's the ending shot in the trailer.

Maybe I don't get it.. nothing was funny. Nothing said comedy to me. A shot of a guy walking across the street, and waiting by a cab, I have no idea why they were in the trailer. What was their purpose?
King Goldfish, the music is intentional.

CootDog said:
I don't know, I don't get it.
As with the music comment, some thing are 'different' and not everyone may get them or like them.

CootDog said:
It looks like the 2 girls can be roommates but there doesn't seem to be a connection to the guy
This is a trailer. You find out the connection between them in the film.

CootDog said:
Maybe I don't get it.. nothing was funny
There's no slapstick humor in here.

I love the idea of having an unfunny trailer for a commedy. Makes you wonder what the hell is funny about it.

All your other questions are answered in the film.

Thanks for the comments so far, guys.
DirectorX said:
I love the idea of having an unfunny trailer for a commedy. Makes you wonder what the hell is funny about it.

But then don't market it as a comedy because if it comes across as an unfunny comedy then your comedy-going audience probably won't see it. And if you market it as a comedy and an audience doesn't like comedy they won't see it either. You're shooting yourself in the foot.

You'd be better marketing it as a drama or a dramatic comedy. If you get drama in there somehow people will have a better understanding of what to expect.
I love most of the cinematography in this- very well shot, and it looks like you spent some serious time in post to add a good color pallette. I thought the music was cute too. Have to admit that it took time for me to puzzle out what was going on. Although I thought the "guy" looked like an interesting character, there was not enough tension (comic or otherwise) built to make me really 'feel' the coming denoument, which I am guessing is when both girls go to meet one of their 'man of her dreams', only to find it is the same man they both want.

Technically gorgeous, but not as compelling as it might be... Then again, what do I know anyway? :)
I liked it. I understand what it's conveying- romantic comedy about a guy who (window-shopping women with a telescope?) falls in love with a lesbian. To me, I can see the comedy in the shots- it's that kind of quirkiness that is abrupt and honest. Perhaps the trailer isn't abrupt enough to convey the point though. You kind of have this start/stop thing going there in the beginning, until the shots begin dragging in the middle part. I'd just throw more shots in, maybe even a black slate (blackout) every once in a while, and quicker cuts. You put a lot of abstract shots in there (I like it, quirky) and that last one works well.

I think it looks great. Looking forward.
CootDog said:
I don't know, I don't get it.

It looks like the 2 girls can be roommates but there doesn't seem to be a connection to the guy. Just random shots of each character. And the last shot looking at a building and a tree. I have no idea why that's the ending shot in the trailer.

Maybe I don't get it.. nothing was funny. Nothing said comedy to me. A shot of a guy walking across the street, and waiting by a cab, I have no idea why they were in the trailer. What was their purpose?

Seemed like it was going to turn into a Bisexual Love Triangle, as well.
DirectorX said:
King Goldfish, the music is intentional.

As with the music comment, some thing are 'different' and not everyone may get them or like them.


Can you explain why it does that? is their some abstract reasoning for it? :huh:
Thunderclap said:
But then don't market it as a comedy because if it comes across as an unfunny comedy then your comedy-going audience probably won't see it. And if you market it as a comedy and an audience doesn't like comedy they won't see it either.
If this was a feature that would be a big problem.

Christine got the concept right (two women fall in love with the same guy). The girls are not lesbians :)
That's why I liked the trailer to be uninformative so you can interpret anything about the characters.

[Denis, you're too crazy and too quirky man!]:D

King Goldfish said:
Can you explain why it does that? is their some abstract reasoning for it?
Well, the short answer is that the director is a nut.

This song is used in the opening of the short where the credits are also displayed. There's things in the song that slow it down. The cuts work better, for, as Denis said, the quirkiness of the film.
Is there a teaser

DirectorX said:
I love the idea of having an unfunny trailer for a commedy. Makes you wonder what the hell is funny about it.

All your other questions are answered in the film.

I guess it's just me. But to me, the trailer I saw, will not get me to watch the film. :no: It leaves too much open and doesn't really have a constant thought. It just seems all over the place no theme or plot conveyed.

Is there a teaser? Maybe I could watch that and it might get me.:yes:

The Trailer just doesn't do it for me.

I want to like it, but just can't :(