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Wish me luck...

I recently finished a first draft and a slight polish on a script and as an experiment, posted it on InkTip.com just to see if anyone might be interested...

So far, 4 downloads of the script and 2 offers to shop it around but they want it exclusively. I posted it early Sunday morning...

So now I get a phone call from a producer who is very well known. So well known, I can't name him. He has a producing partner that is also very well known and they want to do a three-way conference call with me tonight at about 1:00 in the morning...

Should be fun.

not surprised


I'm, not surprised. When I first talked to you, (via the internet) maybe a year or two ago, I figured you'd be the type to not take any sh*t from the L.A. types. My favorite quote is "I'm not the usual screenwriter..." No kidding.:hmm:

Just like warfare, these "dyed in the wool" L.a. types can't handle someone not adhering to their typical way of doing business and are speechless when someone bucks the system.:huh:

It all started with a new and different screenplay that was innovative. That is something Hollywood is completely devoid of, and as has been said, "nature abhors a vaccum." Hollywood has run off all the good writers who are innovative with their typical tactics, and Sonnyboo was a breath of fresh air to them, but he still stands on his principles. (which is a lot easier to do with being over 40) A screenwriter standing up to a producer is one thing, but the reasons for doing so make the difference. PJR knew where to make his stand. Similarly put "Is this the hill you want to die on?" If it isn't (like changing a line for an actor, etc), let it change. If it's making progress in your career by being a producer or director, then make the stand. Be willing to walk away, but don't do it unless you have decided up front what your own parameters are.

Way to go, Sonnyboo. I'm still not surprised.:clap:


You are right. I got Sonnyboo and Filmy mixed up. However, both are good guys with a LOT of talent and excperience. Filmy, sorry I got you mixed up with Sonnyboo, but in a way, it's a compliment. I read another thread about PJR's accomplishments and ended up complimenting him on Filmy's thread instead.

Obviously I needed that other cup of coffee this morning before I wrote my input.

Way to go, Filmy. AND, pretty good compnay with Sonnyboo anyway.

Thanks, CommanderGoat. I stand corrected.

No problem...

WriteumCowboy said:

You are right. I got Sonnyboo and Filmy mixed up. However, both are good guys with a LOT of talent and excperience. Filmy, sorry I got you mixed up with Sonnyboo, but in a way, it's a compliment. I read another thread about PJR's accomplishments and ended up complimenting him on Filmy's thread instead.

Obviously I needed that other cup of coffee this morning before I wrote my input.

Way to go, Filmy. AND, pretty good compnay with Sonnyboo anyway.

Thanks, CommanderGoat. I stand corrected.

Hey, no problem...

As for anything new...


It seems that something new is coming up every week... I am right now on my way back from Las Vegas from having looked at several buildings for the new production company to be housed in... Here I am sitting in a room at the Days Inn in Barstow, CA... LOL.

Since all this has happened to me, here's what's going on...

1) In the middle of the rewrite on the script that the new prodco purchased...

2) I keep reading new screenplays by A-List writers that are really surprising me at how... Well, not how "bad" they are but how "lacking" they are. We're looking for properties for our slate and I guess I've read at least 45 screenplays thus far... All lacking... All from well known writers. In fact, most of the screenplays I'm reading have little things in them that scream DATED. In other words, most look like SPEC scripts that were written at least 5 years ago... Maybe longer... There's little things in the scripts that can help you figure out the actual year they were written...

3) I'm not only rewriting and producing my own film but I am now a producer on 2 other films as well as a new type of series that might end up on HBO.

4) I'm in charge of all prodco web sites and net marketing for future films.

5) I'm tracking down and purchasing vehicles for all the prodco's producers. Yeah, kinda funny. The prodco is giving every producer (so far there are only 2) their own antique Cadillac convertible. I happen to know a lot about cars so I'm heading this venture up as well...

On top of all this, I'm writing a book on the 4 Act Structure and doing some heavy duty research on advanced screenwriting techniques that you don't read about in books too much...

Last but not least, I have my own project going with some people who want to be screenwriters... A couple from IndieTalk! They're starting from scratch with all new VERY HIGH CONCEPT ideas and taking them through to completion of first draft... They'll keep reworking the script while I virtually watch over their backs to come up with an outstanding piece of property that we will hopefully be able to sell and produce...

No real funny stuff lately... Well, a couple of things but I can't talk about 'em in a public forum but let's just say you might have read about this certain actor who's now with this certain actress who's husband dumped her for an Oscar winning actress not too long ago... Anyway, this certain actor was stopped and tested for driving under the influence... You might have read about it... LOL. Anyway, I know where both of them were PRIOR to being pulled over and that is a pretty funny story...

I googled for the actors in question. Tell them I say hi next time you see them. I love their work. And make it sound like they *should* know me for some reason...I may use that to my advantage later ;)
Just reading through this as I try to catch up on the old posts, and wow, amazing filmy, you seem incredibly well grounded which I am sure will take you far.

Your 4 act structure idea sounds absolutely fascinating though, I'm sure we'll here about it in the future. A success story is the greatest motivation anyone can ever have.

I appreciate it...

MrFootballMan said:
Just reading through this as I try to catch up on the old posts, and wow, amazing filmy, you seem incredibly well grounded which I am sure will take you far.

Your 4 act structure idea sounds absolutely fascinating though, I'm sure we'll here about it in the future. A success story is the greatest motivation anyone can ever have.

Hey, I appreciate the kind words of everyone... It's amazing... I'm working HARDER and LONGER than at any other time in my life and I'm talking many many many 18 hour days in the Navy...

But I love it...

2006 should be a great year...
