Wide Angle Lens....

...I need a wide angle lens for my dvx 100a. I don't seem to be having much luck in finding any info on them. Is there a difference between a lens and a 'anamorphic' lens? How much do they usually run? I have heard that they are about $300. While I have the money to invest, I would like to get this lens, but I don't have enough knowledge yet.... Anyone know about these lenses?

--spinner :cool:
Anamorphic lenses compress (squeeze widthwise) the image onto the film frame, and then, when projected, they are stretched back out to normal on the screen (see: Panavision).

For video, it's similar, but you would fix in post.

Anamorphic is for widescreen. What you are looking for (I think) is wide angle.
indietalk said:
For video, it's similar, but you would fix in post.

Anamorphic is for widescreen. What you are looking for (I think) is wide angle.

...what I don't want is for the shots to 'fisheye', like a few music videos were using a while back. The zoom all the way out on my camera isn't as far as I would like it to be, so we need a wide angle lens...and I would prefer not to have to 'fix' it in post...

--spinner :cool:
An anamorphic lens is designed to create a compressed widescreen image. This is different from a wide angle lens which will give you a wider field of view in both the vertical and horizontal directions.

If you want widescreen the anamorphic is what you want. If not, then a wide angle is what you want. You can a fisheye lens or a rectilinear wide angle lens. Both are possible and available for purchase.
...what I was hoping was that the wide angle lens would zoom out further than the camera by itself. I would like to be able to get more in the shot than what seems to be possible. Also I found that the anamorphic lens lends itself better to being blown up to 35mm for theater screens... If it doesn't do much more for that which is in the picture frame, then I have been advised that maybe I should put that money elsewhere...

--spinner :cool: