Wicker Park vs. Salem Park

For the past 2+ years I've been working on an independent feature film called


I just saw a clip of the new movie "Wicker Park" where one of the lines a character says is almost identical to one of the lines in our movie. Same actions too.

The park romance premise, the idea that the girl is a mystery, the title, and one line I've seen just on a clip on Yahoo seem REALLY familiar. I doubt the film is even close to the same story, but I wanted to point out that my film is not a rip-off in any way of this movie and any similarities are either coincidence or they ripped me off first. ;)


BTW, anybody see it yet? I guess I gotta see it when I get the chance.
Welcome to Indie Talk.....

Great looking website. I had to mute my speakers becasue I couldn't turn off the music. I'm a slow reader so the music grates after sometime. That's just me though.

I am looking forward to seeing a trailer. If the website is any indication of the work put into the film you probably have a winner. Please post as soon as you have a trailer.
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You have a mole in your film company, selling your storyline to the highest bidders.

The obvious thing to do, is to track this mole down... and demand 50% of the proceeds.


Seriously, with a copyrighted script you'll be fine.


(And put up a trailer)
Zensteve said:
Seriously, with a copyrighted script you'll be fine.
If it were only that easy! Don't forget the laywer fees, and oh yeah, he has to win the case for you! I'm sure it's not the same though. Check it out! :yes:
I finally saw Wicker Park and it's pretty damn trippy.

The storyline in "Wicker Park" is WAY different than our "10:15 Salem Park," but there were lots of similarities in premises, characters, props, locations, certain situations, even the time 10:15 popped up in a certain scene... my co-writer/co-director and I would see these things and just look over at each other and laugh.... We even saw the main actor doing things that we dropped from the storyline long before we even began writing the actual script. If you have a quick eye, you can see the main character looking at a DVX100 as he's working in the video store.

Coincidences. I can see a drinking game in this.
