Why we do what we do with our films

I was going nuts in editing tonight, getting frustrated, shots need to be reshot, stuff isn't working, just general:P

So I took a minute (maybe more ;)) and sat back and asked myself why am I doing this? All this frustration and busting chops, why am I doing it really?

The answer that came back? Because I love doing it, the frustration is just part of it. I'm working on my second short, and starting the beginning of a documentary(writing it), and working on stuff for the Greatest Film Ever, also writing an research/coffee-table type book, but you know what? Even if I don't make a dime (well, maybe a dime would be nice) on any of this, I still love what I am doing because I CAN do it (and there's not a lot I can say about that in my life. I've been through more stuff in life than I care to remember, and for the first time, I'm enjoying myself with it.

Anyway, rant over:lol: Just wonder why others do it, same reason? Different?

PS, feel free to give me your best :weird: look ;)
I am asking the same question why I am script writing ? Based in Chennai and not writing like a native writer and I get the same answer . I simply love it
Wish I was doing as much as you... well at least more than I'm doing now. Life's too busy, too many lists, too many obligations. I do it 'cause I can, 'cause I like to... one of only a few things I truly enjoy. I've had hobbies/jobs I've liked, but nothing brings the satisfaction... now just need to find a way to make a living at it.
Oh wait... that might change everything.................................................................................................:D
Just like any artist in any medium, one does it because he or she has no choice. If one would just as soon do something else, they should do that instead.
Have no choice....like its a calling or something? ;)

Well, we must do it for that, in what other place can we yell at inanimate objects, cry horribly when our editing goes south, yet still say "I love doing this!" when people ask.

Masochism I tell ya....;)
yeah it can get frustrating at times but theres nothing like that feeling when you work it out and watch the end the result! always makes me excited, as if im watching it for the first time without knowing whats going to happen!