Who will be the bad guys now?

Not to fear, it's not as bad as you might suspect


Oh, and lawyers. They're always a safe bet for a bad guy!
Wow, that is a thought provoking article. Thanks for that, Mogul.

I think the James Bond's Franchise's idea of Spectre is pretty cool.
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I think now the villain is dependent on the plot of the movie. In some plots it make sense for the villains to be Russian, in some it makes sense for the villains to be American, in some Arab. It all depends on the plot. I think Hollywood writers should come up with their premise first, and then decide on who would be the best villain to fit that premise, not the other way around.
Most conflict, no matter its basis, is the quest for power over others. Wars are politics/economics/ideology/theology enforced by violence. There are more "subtle" forms of warfare like the cyberwar that is currently being fought on a global scale, which is the quest for the control of information.

In filmmaking the bad guy is anything you want it to be. This can be governments (economic and religious ideologies), which can be an external threat that is usually leads to a conventional war, or an internal threat that leads to rebellion/revolution. It can be a basic (in filmmaking, exaggerated) criminal or criminal enterprise. It can even be a single political, economic or romantic rival. There are, of course, the fantasy bad guys - aliens, zombies, vampires, etc. There is also nature as the bad guy - weather (hurricanes, etc,) and geology (volcanoes and the like).
Then the Russians are not going to watch your movies. How about aliens - no one can object to that, unless they're already among us.

Aliens were the enemy after the Berlin wall fell and 'history ended'.

North-Korea can be an enemy.
They have the means to cause a lot of pain.
But in reality the threat of war is better for the north-korean leaders than actual war. A real war will lead to discomfort for the ruling class. Now they have what they want: food, luxury, power, while the population worships them, partly in hunger and poverty.

People in the west are tired of the war on terror, so that's no longer as 'cool' as it once was.
But as long there is no serious solution for the Israel/Palastina-conflict, there will always be people use religion as means to motivate terror.

Economic injustice can be an enemy as long as you don't want explosions and gunfights ;)

Saying that he Occupy-movement is like communists doesn't do the commies or occupy any justice.
Communism has proven to be a corrupt system were excellence and intelligence have no value unless the leaders can use it to thighten their grip on the population. 'Some are more equal than others'.

Occupy is about the American Dream being mostly smoke and mirrors to keep the status quo for the 'haves' intact. And even when you work hard, you can be 'cheated' by financial institutes which should be trustworthy. But by screwing you over, the banker gets a bonus that's bigger than a lot of people earn in a year.
It's about how people get rewarded for bad mistakes and how the victims have to pay for these mistakes instead of the offenders. The moral-hazard.
The movement does attract a lot of hippies and anti-globalists, lol.

I think terrorism will always be a subject. (It has been since the 70's: IRA, PLO, Libya, RAF, Unabomber, etc)
The motivation of the terrorist may shift from religious to economic. (Most religious terrorists seem to be 'economic victims' as well: the rich ones hide and plan. The poor ones get blown to little pieces.)
Now I think about it: maybe we'll see Greek bombings in Brussels in the future.
In the US you could say that gun-incidents were people start killing other and then themselves are act of terror as well. Not driven by ideology, but to express their anger.
The terror of Breivik (Norwegian) has shown how an extreme ideology can lead to totally absurd actions. (He killed over 60 Norwegian children to 'protect Norwegen against the Islam'. WTF!)

The war on drugs will also go on.
Half of Mexico might collapse in chaos, thanks to all the addicts and 'recreational users' out there. They fund crime, murder and war.

But aliens will always be a cool enemy:
- Earth is the underdog
- The utopia of international cooperation becomes 'real'
- The SFX-department can go crazy