Who here is on myspace?

Hey everyone!

Despite my dislike of myspace, i have now started building up my page, adding friends and joining groups.

I was wondering who else here is on myspace, so we can add each other!

Gimme your link or name and i can add you or you can add me by looking for Ernest Worthing. And the pic over there is the same as my avatar here.



What is your opinion on myspace, do you find it helpful in promoting your stuff or meeting actors, bands etc?
I guess if you're a spammer or pornographer you can make some use of it.
For contacting bands it's good it was always as good social network for bands but not anymore. That's dying too.
I hardly ever use MySpace anymore since I got on Facebook. I was wondering whether or not there could be a resurgance of MySpace for the "creative community". There anyone doing something creative could make use of the site.

Too bad its dying out. The groups were fun.

-- spinner :cool:
I've never gotten a gig directly from my myspace page. I sell turn-key ad campaigns though and witht hat comes my building their social networking. Potential clients seeing my social networking from my site helps sell that in.
so thats it? just gooberman?

guess indietalk was right. its just stalkers and pornographers...

the stalker being me

and the pornographer being gooberman :lol: