Who has a GH1???

Ok I was wondering who has a GH1 hacked or not? Im getting one by the end of this week and i had a cupple questions for people who have one.

First ..... Which hack/patch do you use on it? (test footage?)

Second.... What kind of sd card do you use?

Third.... How much memory does shooting video and pictures take up? (ex: 4gb= ___ minutes/ photos)

Im sure ill think of other questions to ask in the future! :rofl:
That is insane value, especially if you hack it. But be advised, personally I think only fairly tech savvy people should hack them.

was your gh1 new?
yeah im going to hack it ( im pretty tech savvy)

Also the guy i bought it from said that he literly took less then 50 photos with it that he had it for a cupple days but photography isnt "him" he also said it is in Mint condition that if he posted it as new no one would be able to tell. So yeah its basicly new besides 50 photos taken with it =D