It depends. If you are the Director, how strong is your visual sense and your skills in executing? Have you shot camera or edited before? If so, you probably have a strong inclination to storyboard your scenes and then work with your DP to light and execute them according to your boards.
On my projects, I like to storyboard fairly extensively. However, I also work at a production company where the director does not storyboard his films. Instead, he and the DP scout locations and then the DP creates a shot list for each scene. For this director, that is the most comfortable way to work.
Guillermo Del Toro and Terry Gilliam storyboard everything. Sydney Lumet did not. These are directors who created memorable movies working the way they prefer. If you are shooting a drama with a lot of interior dialogue, then your time may be better spent rehearsing and blocking with the actors, and taking quick pics w/ an iphone of the camera angles you want. Then you can drag those into a .pdf and show your DP. There are many approaches.