archived-videos Whitewashed Trailer

Yo!!! I'm new here...and I have a freshly uploaded trailer for my flick which will debut in dallas at the lakewood theater in september...I won't post a link if you guys don't want me to just yet..I understand the whole unfamiliarity of a new member...Let me know either way :yes: ....Jared

I guess it'll be okay judging from a few of here it is....

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'sup good J-rodChris :cool:

Don't be shy... the Screening Room is here for a reason.

Pop the link in your original post, and let's see what kind of feedback the friendly IndieTalkers can come up with.


(Might want to ask a mod to change the subject title too, to match the name of your flick)
Some points:

-Love the site design- good job... but unfortunately it does take a long time to load, so get to work on that HTML version!!! Flash sites tend to be annoying to people anyway, or so I've heard. And there actually are still people out there with Dialup, but they are crazy and nobody likes them.

-Love the Film info. Fantastic and humorous.

-Can't view the trailer. It comes up as a blank BMP. Not sure what's going on there. I really like the synopsis though, and if I were a fish and your movie was the bait, I'd be on the hook. Good job.

You guys seem to be in the exact situation we are (only you have more time!!). We're premiering our film (Macbeth 3000) on July 15 and all the posters we put up on poles are getting ripped down! :(

Anyway, I guess you guys are in Texas (members Poke and LoganL are there I think!), so I don't know if I'll be able to make it from up here in Canada, but I'll see if things will change (like our film making a bunch of money).
Lemme know when your trailer gets back up, cause I wanna see it!

Great job with the site! We're working on a flash intro, and same thing- all posters and website design were designed AS we learnt the programs. In fact, most of our film was a learning experience. I told the guys (editor/director, audio/composer) a few days ago if they were running the movie through Magic Bullet or any other types of rendering programs, and they were like "What's Magic Bullet?". This is why I love sites like Indietalk. Hang out here, learn stuff, make friends. You'll love it here.

Good luck with everything guys. I'll keep in touch and let you know how our premiere goes. Hopefully I'll be able to provide some useful info. Hopefully.

In the meantime, go check out our site and tell me what YOU think. And keep me posted as to the whereabouts of your trailer!!

Live long and prosperous,

-Denis Logan-

EDIT: Ok, now it says trailer coming soon, so I guess you're on top of it now!
That's one massive .swf on the homepage. :P

The footage looks like it was shot pretty well, especially with so many nighttime scenes.

The trailer itself wasn't too coherent, imo. After the initial first few scenes, the clips used seemed very random. Good-looking clips, mind you... they just didn't seem to flow well. After reading the synopsis later, it was possible to semi-follow what was going on. The trailer should be able to stand by itself, though.

Particularly good shots of the city skyline, from inside that building. Neat golden colours on the inside. Also that fellow in the glass elevator. (I think it was an elevator, anyways)

Your DP did a great job. :cool:

I appreciate it Zen...I know my DP does too. He work his ass of 4 us...He's got a sick eye and we couldn't have made the same flick without him........Thanks for the feedback, we'll take all that we can get...I'm so glad I found this board,,,, what a great place this is going to be! - J
Hey everyone. I'm one of the producers on Whitewashed and the one that keeps Jrod in line most of the time.

We appreciate all of the feedback about the film. It is all helpfull. I apologize about the load time on the site and the quirkyness of the trailer. The HTML site is just around the corner and the trailer will be available for download [not stream] by the end of this next week.

Nice to meet some people who are trying to do the same thing we are.


Hey poke..only threw up the new one cause I didn;t know if I was allowed to share the trailer on my 1st post so the title wasn't dedicated to the teaser. Sorry bout that- Jared
Okay, I'll echo what I said on the now closed double post thread.

Good to have another Texan on the boards! Great imagry in the trailer! It needs a bit more story to catch the average viewer, but those of us that love great cinematography will enjoy it.

Now about the site...I agree with Spatula, need that html version asap. I have broadband and a new PC so it loaded fast for me, but I know my old computer would have taken a hour or two to load many people out there are still on dial up with older computers, it would behoove you to have both versions available.

I need to navigate the site more, but I did visit the about Poop Shoot...I'm not a member there, but I've heard it gets the same type of film fan as Aint It Cool which in my opinion is a bad thing.

My name is Captain..Im not new here but havnt posted in quite some time ..My friend Bird asked me to sail in more often so
HERE I AM.arghh!!
I already recognize some of the avatars ...from films sent in to the Wreck-Beach international Film Festival..
Happy sailing
Alright Captain!!!! Good to have you aboard ARGH!

I still can't see your trailer, J.. I have latest quicktime and everything.. not sure what's going on there... bah.

I don't know what's going on Spat....There are a few folks who have reported not being able to see it but for the most part, the majority have been able to ... do u have the latest version on real player/ ?
I'm gonna have the hard file available for download by tommorrow evening. We have had a hell of a time streaming it. Seems that 3 out of every 4 people can see it just fine, others have been having issues.
I'll add my two cents in as well, some nicely stylized shots but some are just to dark, I didn't really get a strong idea of what the film is about. I also think it was too long, partly because there wasn't much of a narrative thread. You've some solid shots to work with, maybe cut the length in half. That's help bandwidth as well.

Good luck.