Where to get props?


Im currently looking for props for films and ive tried look and i cant seem to find any relativly decent prices without them being stupidly high. Inless im blind.

Im looking for Handguns, rifles, WW2 costumes.

If anyone could help it would be great,

Have you tried an army surplus store?

The hard part about what you are looking for is that a lot of people collect such items so they might be a bit pricier. But I would check eBay, for sure. Or maybe craigslist or a pawn shop?

For the costumes try and find your local supplier of costumes for theater, they should have WW2 uniforms for germans at least (Sound of Music). Or find a pattern and have your grandma make it for you. lol
Tricky, check out 'craigslist' for a 'Prop Designer', also 'Gumtree' - I'm not sure whether that is just a UK based bargain site, so check that out. It might be a tough find to hit the charity stores, but definitely worth a shot, I've purchased numerous items from charity stores to use as props, mannequins, furniture etc.

It truly all depends on what it is you're looking for, and seeing as it's WW2 specifics, I'd say you're best option is checking all the local theaters as @Dreadylocks suggested, you may get lucky, they could have the costumes & props from previous shows laying around,. I can't see the theater folk turning you away if you're sincere about the thing.

Coming back to what i said about hiring a 'Prop Designer', they'd have contacts that would get you the gear in no time, just depends whether you're going to fork out the greenbacks- In the case of it being WW2, which is a popular theme, there's a chance the PD will be able to get a hold of the gear from contacts they have, without buying, or making them from scratch which will see you paying the fee for the (PD) and not the labor, saving you a hell of a lot.


(SP) Will be your best shot, I've worked with a couple PD's from shooters, they cover the entire spectrum.

So the balls in your court, If it was me, I'd say scout around, make a few calls and see what you can beg steal and borrow. You've got the option of the PD if you're serious about the thing.

Best of luck man!
I think that this is where living in a society where individuals support private charity really pays off. In the US, lots of good stuff gets donated to charity and resold and silly low prices.. I work near a goodwill outlet store. Its full of all the stuff that didn't sell at their "retail stores" in the area.. .. its an acre of giant wheeled bins with clothes, pc's and beautiful junk.. plus furniture.

For airsoft being in the Good Ole USA helps too.. In UK you cant buy a realistic air soft if your under 18, here anyone with the money can buy one. You can still get in trouble if you play with in the park, but this means that there are many more used airsoft guns on the market at any given time. I just search London craigslist for airsoft.. 0 hits.. my little Portland Oregon..
returned 66 hits.
yeah with me that is a mayjor problem with getting guns, specially now what just happend in the UK a few days ago.

The guns btw dont have to be WW2 era :)

Thanks you all for the help, i wasnt especting this much replies and in this much detail. It has really helped me :) Im going to do some digging around.

Going to have a look around charity shops, seems like a good call for me as im low on budget because im only 17 and have a part time job.
I didn't realize you where this side of the pond, sorry man.

It's gonna be a momentous task with the recent events, so I'd exclude Gumtree/Craigslist, I can say with severe degree of certainty that the charity stores will not be stocking up on replica fire-arms any time soon.

Checking out the theaters is your best bet, they're a dime a dozen especially in London. Perhaps try other cities, and drag your ass down there to haul it back home. Liverpool especially, we have plenty of Theaters.

Other options are Universities, Arts colleges. Research if any small production companies have worked within your genre specification within the last couple of years and see if they have anything left that could help you out.

Basically, you've gotta scratch around, don't be afraid to phone every person on the damn planet that might get you that gear, and most of all don't feel like an ass if you come up with nothing to show for a thousand phone-calls made in one afternoon.

It's gonna be tough, but stick at it and let us know how it goes!
I forgot to mention, Military jackets are flying around the vintage stores endlessly of late, so there's an attire option for you. I also purchased a replica from Ebay a couple years of back...so rock 'n' roll right? :P

It'll be in a box somewhere in the attic, so if i stumble across it and i don't plan on rekindling my rebellious brooding bravado, you can have it brother.