"Wheatgrinders Monthly IT Challenge" For Febuary 2011 (fer real)

edit: The challenge is on for February.. go here

"Wheatgrinders Monthly IT Challenge" for February 2011 is ON!
Here is the time line in review:

  1. "Challenge Area" Announced:
    On the FIRST Monday in February (today) Ill tell everyone what the "Challenge Area" will be (see below)
  2. Suggestion Box Open:
    From that Monday through Thursday everyone suggests specific challenges that support the main focus
  3. Suggestion Box Closed:
    On Friday I gather up all the ideas that meet my strict yet completely arbitrary criteria and I set up a poll
  4. Vote:
    Voting over the weekend. You should only vote if you REALLY plan to participate, but its up to you to be honest.
  5. Challenge Details Announced:
    On the 2nd Monday in February the challenge is announced.
  6. Upload The Movies:
    Everyone, and I mean everyone, even if you didn't vote, or hate circus midgets, has until 11:59 PM on the Sunday before the the first Monday in March to upload

the "Challenge Area" for February 2011 is:


Please Note:
The 1st place prize is nada, 2nd place prize is zilch and 3rd place gets nothin.
There are NO rules, ignore the challenge details if you want, though I reserve the right, and encourage others, to type in all caps..
"BAD FORM! BAD FORM!" if your so tactless as to do something so antisocial as to "topic crash!"

List of possible "Challenge Areas" for next month.

  • Acting\Directing
  • Cinematography
  • Production Audio
  • Pre-Production Planning
  • Visual Effects
  • Editing
  • Writing
  • DIY
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A short film about: acting like a director??


How about directing/acting a 1 scene, very sad, story, in under a mnute.
Bleach future - postapocalyptic?
White glove robbery?
Assesination attemp?

next area

VFX, please! I need some motivation to practice!
...this isn't the Tinalera thing is it?

I thought I had a few more days....

-- spinner :cool:

No, that's different. Honestly, I'm not sure that I'll be able to take part in both, but I'll try. The Tinalera thing is intended for anybody to pick up an old project that they've been neglecting too long, and show your progress on April 1st.
We should star AND direct a short movie (lenght? maybe 1-3mins?) that (pick one):

Takes place on a not-so-nice future. A disease might have swept through mankind. Nuclear Fallout could be a threat...Anything that fits a dystopian or postapocalyptic theme.

Features the idea, planning and execution of a robbery by a professional.

Or follows an assassin trying to termiante his target.

waaaait....I think I might have the whole WMITC idea wrong!

Would someone care to explain what are we trying to do here?
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No purpose other then to challenge ourselves and have fun doing it.

The lose framework is laid out in the top post.

At this stage, I'm soliciting suggestions for "doable" assignments that focus on Directing\Acting. By "doable" I mean something that a lazy layabout like my self could pull off in a weekend.

Such as "film your self acting, or direct someone else, crying over a bowl of spilled milk."

part of the fun is coming up with silly ideas.
Oh ok...I get it now.

Challenge: Film a fight scene where the only weapons are things one would find in the kitchen BUT knifes...
Let me add some more about what Im looking for in a assignment.

A "Acting\Directing" assignment is focusing on the PERFORMANCE of the actors in the scene. Everything else is irrelevant.

You goal is to set up a challenging scenario for actor(s)

Oh, and keep in PG.

hope that helps..
"Oh, and keep in PG."

Well I'm out. Do you mean PG-13? Or is it past your bed time?

What's the point of this? Is someone going to act it out?
I'm game for this, but I'll probably wait until there is a defined challenge in place. Not sure I'm following the suggestion process... :huh:

So, Wheat, the rating is PG. That's fine. Are we supposed to chime in and add more ideas?
yes more ideas.

This week were just formulating possible challenges that focus on Acting\Directing.

Over the weekend we will vote on all the ideas presented.

PG because its MORE of a challenge.
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"Oh, and keep in PG."

Well I'm out. Do you mean PG-13? Or is it past your bed time?

What's the point of this? Is someone going to act it out?

yes it is past my bed time, but thats besides the point.

If your not up to the challenge, thats OK, no body will think less of you. :-)

But to be clear, the "Keep it PG" was in reference to the CHALLENGE sugestions, how folks approach the challenge is by design out of my control, and frankly I dont care.

For example, a suggestion like "direct a scene with a human having sex with a non human creature" would be right out.
A few thoughts...

The scene/challenge should:

  • have a running time of exactly 2 minutes (from fade up to fade out)
  • contain NO music
  • take place during the day
  • take place in an exterior location
  • feature TWO characters who are at LEAST 20 years apart in age
  • Dialog is NOT mandatory.

Is these the sort of suggestions you were looking for?
20 years apart in age?
I think is too much. Nowadays I shoot with a couple of friends that just started drama school, I don't think that I could find anyone that is or looks 20 years older or younger.
Yeah, suppose it might be difficult, but certainly not impossible. Thing is, casting roles with actors outside of your immediate demographic or circle of friends is a great way to expand your range as a director and filmmaker. After all, this would be a challenge. ;) But it's up to Wheat. Was only a suggestion. If it sticks, that's cool. If not, no biggie.