What's your impression of the Telluride Film Festival?

I may be rushing my film to get into this one by July 15th. My investor in the movie goes every year and just rented a phat house out there for Labor Day. Good incentive for cast and crew to finish up!
Unknown, untested, smaller, regional festivals are easier to get
into than the well known, international festivals where distributors
show up to make deals.

Telluride is not easy to get into. They typically program 25 features
and get around 2,500 entries. More than half are from well known
filmmakers so that leaves 10 to 12 spots open.

This is a valid festival - they have had the North American premiers
Blue Velvet, Brokeback Mountain, A Dangerous Method, The Decedents,
The Artist, Life During Wartime, Slumdog Millionaire and Black Swan.

They program very few films from unknown filmmakers.