Whats my Cameraman / Editor up to?

Recently shot my first Short Film...I funded the Production myself, as well as Writing the Screnplay, I was also Director and have been involved in the Editing. Among the Crew was a guy who was both Camera Man, and Editor....Now heres the thing...I clicked onto his Facebook page for his Production Company, and he has a photo from the Shoot with a Caption saying he is busy working on his Production Companies next Production....Is he taken the piss, or is there no issue? As I will be asking him about it......When it comes to the credits, I want my own PRODUCTION company TO INTRODUCE THE FILM
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So did you ask him? What did he say?

I decided not to mention it...we've just about to start sound design, so don't want to risk the chance of him thinking im suspious of him, especially if its all nothing....ill leave it until film is done and were working on the credits....its just me and him editing for few hours several times a week...don't want any bad feeling etc