What you've learnt this month

Zensteve said:
Does this happen to involve a certain conservative radio talk-show host? ;)

Oh to touch that subject! :)

But no, actually. I learned it from my military consultant who spent 8 years in the Marines. I THEN just happened to hear that Rush made this mistake, and naturally it only confirmed what I've felt about him all along. And I'll just leave it at that.
I learned that the wedding I need to videotape is August 19th 2006, not today. I learned that nobody likes my Canon GL1 or my Premiere Pro 1.5. I learned that writing a script with a stupid person is very hard and frustrating (they want to put in dumb lines all the time). Finally, I learned that I am a genius and have nothing more to learn.
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Jesse said:
I learned that the wedding I need to videotape is August 19th 2006, not today. I learned that nobody likes my Canon GL1 or my Premiere Pro 1.5. .

...what do you mean 'nobody likes your cannon or premiere'? Are you shooting for film/video people or just for 'civilians'? If you have good equipment and a good eye, it would seem that you could turn out good product. Lots of people here use premiere and us Canon GL1's. What's up with that?

--spinner :cool:
Beeblebrox said:
In researching a new movie, I learned that Marines don't like to be called soldiers. They are called Marines.

unless you spent 8 years in the air force. then you call 'em jarheads. army folks are groundpounders. navy are squids. and those of us in the air force? well, because of the plain, blue uniform, they called us bus drivers.

I did time in the Army, we're the soldiers as far as the Marines are concerned. I learned that Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot but I read that in a book.

I also learned that it's simple to set up a PayPal payment to sell just about anything.

I learned that taking a week off to be with your children or watch a movie for pure entertainment or just to catch your breath is a really good thing.

I've learned that after a week off, your movie looks different.
...I learned that nobody knows anything (present site excluded)....

...so, I go to the place where I bought my computer and I want to buy an extra battery. Now, I could've checked out what kind of battery before I left home, but I didn't even think about stopping at the store until I was there (I commute, can't go home until after I work). I ask about the battery and tell them what kind of computer I have. Nobody could tell me ANYTHING about it, not why some cost more than others (I am assuming that it has to do with battery life) what size it needs to be so it will fit, how long will it take to order and when will I get it.

...I bought the computer from this place. They have a 'service' desk. DOESN'T ANYBODY KNOW ABOUT THE PRODUCT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO SERVICE?! Geez....I didn't think I would walk in there without being able to get any info...aggravating :grumpy: (grumble, crossing arms) :D

--spinner :cool: