What would you like to see at IndieTalk?


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
This is your chance to speak up, don't be shy :blush:

What would you like to see at IndieTalk!? :shock:
a comprehensive list of film festivals and their dates for submission
there also should be a way to comment or review each festival in the database.
mediathreat said:
a comprehensive list of film festivals and their dates for submission
there also should be a way to comment or review each festival in the database.

I hate to post a "me, too" but that's a really great idea. There are a few places (like Film Threat, I think) that post them, and there is the Events area here, but a complete listing would be good. Though there may be too many to be comprehensive. And it'd be nice to have a place to comment on and discuss them (though I guess that could be done in the events area, too...)
This is exactly what the Festival Calendar is for. Click on the Calendar, and you can view:

Film Festivals

You can view all, or sort to view by category. This is handy to view upcoming deadlines.

We have entered the info for Sundance, Slamdance, and Cannes, but entering all the festival's info takes a lot of research. We urge you as members to help build the database. :)


When entering a deadline, please be sure the dates are accurate, as they are Very important. Please also post a link to the festival's home page or submission details page.

The Film Festivals category is for the actual dates of the festival event. Please also post a link to the fest's home page.

The Screenings category is for an actual film you would like announce a screening date for. You can even enter the screening time. A link would be handy.

The General category is for anything film related.

You may also use this as your personal calendar. By choosing Personal, you will be the only one who sees the entries.

Thanks! :wink:
That doesnt look too handy.
It would be nice to have it in a format that you could easily be reminded of upcoming deadline for submission without having to click thru months
film fest listings

How about a downloadable excel file or something that has all the info ordered by submission deadlines that is updated periodically? That way it’s all in one place, easily readable and useable.
Trying not to be shy ...

If it's even possible, a list somewhere that featured distribution companies that are indie friendly. It could include contact info and a description of their main distribution medium (theatrical, DVD).

Re: Trying not to be shy ...

pokewowplayer1 said:
If it's even possible, a list somewhere that featured distribution companies that are indie friendly. It could include contact info and a description of their main distribution medium (theatrical, DVD).


Great poke.

1) Film Festivals
2) Distribution Companies

What else would you like to see in the database?
BB Ideas

All the ideas so far are great, but I'd like to see more paying jobs posted by film/video companies actually looking for people. You know, like mandy.com.

All of these BB's are a great way to network, but there's a huge gap where jobs are concerned. The word needs to be spread to companies that these BB's exist! ~Phil
If it's even possible, a list somewhere that featured distribution companies that are indie friendly. It could include contact info and a description of their main distribution medium (theatrical, DVD).


I like the listings this site http://www.indiefilms.com/ has, but you have to pay a membership fee. I haven’t been a member in a few years, but there used to be a plethora of names. However I found that almost everyone I called on the list was only interested after the film was in the can. They were not speculative.

All the ideas so far are great, but I'd like to see more paying jobs posted by film/video companies actually looking for people. You know, like mandy.com

I like mandy, but I think the root of the problem of not having paying jobs is that the people who are pulling off indie productions are doing it for literally as little as possible because the funding is extremely limited. If there was a better distribution bureaucracy where the films could actually find a venue that generates income, the deferred points system would work well. However the vast percentage of indie films don’t ever recoup the production and distribution cost. There are paying jobs out there. The hardest thing I’ve found is just finding out they exist and how to get in on them. Then again, these aren’t indie productions. I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like I’m beating my head against a wall. When I finally break through I find there is another wall behind that.
I know what you're saying. Sorry though, I need to clarify here. I was talking about video jobs, like corporate, TV ads and such. However, there are paying film jobs out there.

By the way, I applied to your company. I sent a demo reel and resume. ~Phil L.

I found that mandy website quite useful at least for seeing what is out there. Can anyone else maybe recommend some links where they post jobs - pref ones with UK ones too.
Is there a links page to this site where anyone can put up their fav links for writing/directing/producing etc.?
Other members could also rate the sites. Obviously, indietalk wants to be our main source but there are many different resources that I use with this one being one of them and one I also recommend.
I know there is a certain degree of competition between the sites but I believe each one has something the other doesn't and all can be used for many different things.
Thanks :D