"Jaws" is a boring story about watching guys fish.
"Jaws" is a boring story about watching guys fish.
Both versions are AMAZING. Rob Zombie's version was stellar in a completely different way.
From a classic Reddit post: "If you watch the movie `Jaws' backwards, it's a movie about a shark that keeps throwing up people until they have to open a beach."
"Jaws" is a boring story about watching guys fish.
Damn, I hated the remake. HATED it. No pacing, no suspense -- no storytelling, for fuck's sake.![]()
Rob Zombie is such a bad, dull director. He has no idea where to place a camera or how to construct a sequence of shots. I can't stand watching his films. They're excruciating in their lack of technique.
Don't be pretentious.
Says who?! I disagree with this, very strongly. In my book, "Halloween" is still the greatest slasher flick of all time. If you consider the entire horror genre, I personally would only put "28 Days Later" ahead of it. Modern horror movies are pure crap, for the most part.
I think Carpenter did an incredible job creating an unending sense of unease, coupled with a great deal of nail-biting suspense.
Also, even if you don't agree that it holds up against time, there is no denying the fact that it is a trailblazer, and the entire genre owes a lot to it.
IT & dlevanchuck, the telephone and pyramid analogies were perfect!
...My friend told me that the Laurie character was revealed to be the villains sister. I totally missed that on the first viewing...
You didn't miss anything. That doesn't happen in Halloween. Laurie's relationship with Michael isn't revealed until the sequel.
And while we're on Carpenter, check out "In The Mouth of Madness"
Oh okay, well I'm going to have to judge the original as if the sequel hadn't been made yet. So in the original was their any REAL explained reason why he targeted those girls?
Heard Carpenter say it was heavily influenced by one of my favorite movies as a kid "West World" with Yul Brynner. It's a film about a wild west themed adult amusement park populated by androids. Yul Brynner is the "gun fighter" android and he goes haywire. Gave JC the idea for a villain you could not kill, who just kept coming back. This was of course also seen in the terminator movies later on.
It was made by Michael Crichton and is basically the precursor to Jurassic Park.