what should a credit say?

I am sending some video footage to a band I taped a couple of years ago. They say I can have a credit on the DVD.
What should it say? How long should it be? should I include my myspace address?

If things go well, maybe I can get some work from it so I'd like to make sure the liner note has what it should have on it. Any suggestions??

-- spinner :cool:
They will probably be compiling lots of footage from different people, correct? There are many ways it can be broken down, it depends on how they are doing the credits. Was this footage from a particular venue? Example:

Fat Cat's Video Footage by John Doe
Joe's Bar Video Footage by Rick Shmoe
It was from a particular venue, but the shoot involved more than one venue. Anyway, they asked what I wanted it to say and I want to make the most of it without making it too long or ridiculous :)

-- spinner :cool:
I wouldn't suggesting asking to have your MySpace address on the DVD.
If the band has a lot of footage from several different shooters that
means the credits would be crowded with web addresses. Don't count on
fans of the band seeing the DVD, noticing the shooter of specific scenes,
looking in the credits and contacting you.

You should use their DVD on your resume and reel and you should make
sure they give you plenty of DVD's so you can send them to people who
may hire you.
I wouldn't suggesting asking to have your MySpace address on the DVD.
If the band has a lot of footage from several different shooters that
means the credits would be crowded with web addresses.
Don't count on
fans of the band seeing the DVD, noticing the shooter of specific scenes,
looking in the credits and contacting you.

GOOD POINT. I hadn't thought of that, thanks. Now I think I know what to have them put on as a liner note.

You should use their DVD on your resume and reel and you should make
sure they give you plenty of DVD's so you can send them to people who
may hire you.

I'll be happy to have my name on the CD itself :)

-- spinner :cool: