What other lens comes at par???


Just wondering what other Canon prime lens come par with 500mm 1.4 (~450$)

Want for shorts/doco.

Thanks and regards,

I was about to ask where you found a Canon 500mm 1.4, let alone one for $450.00. I have the Canon 50mm 1.4, so I can't answer about other makes of that size in terms of how they compare, except for my Zeiss 50mm 1.4 that I have adapted to EF mount. Unless I need the auto focus, I use the Zeiss.
The Canon EF 28mm 1.8 and 85mm 1.8 are the same series and will give a really consistent look with the 50mm 1.4.

The Rokinon primes look way better though, and while some are a little more, others are less and the price kinda averages out the same.