What next!

Hello, I've just finished my script, iI have redrafted a few times and I am happy with the finished project. It's only a short film but I want to get it made, I'll be directing because there isn't much SFX or anything. But my only problem is equipment, is there anyway I can get a small production company interested so they could maybe get on board with my idea and vision for the film.

You might be able to get a a small production company
interested. Find a local one and ask. You could also look
for someone with a camera who might know someone
with a few lights who might know someone with some
audio gear.

Are you paying for everything or are you going to be looking
for someone else to pay?
I'm located in liverpool, I've decided to go with the Kodac Zi8, and I have some lights and stuff now so it's all worked out great. Even though I had to built a really big wall to pay for all my eqipment. But atleast I have my own gear now. I bought a couple of work lights from amazon, I got one of those long classroom lights for free off my old school. Great shotgun mic, the Zi8 is really good for the stuff I'm shooting.

My only problem is music. I do not no any musicians, so I cant score my film. I cant afford to buy music. Is there any online sites that have some okay music for free?

Or is there any musicians out there looking for some experience and full credits. The film will be sent into film festivals.

Help me! Any questions email benjobs@live or message me on this
Well theres quite a few things you can do for music.

1. Learn to play an instrument, use a computer program to do the notations for you, then use another program to play it in whatever number of instruments you'd like.

2. Search myspace/facebook/craigslist and ask for bands willing to work for movie credits for your film.

3. There are websites for free music. Just search for "Royalty free music"

Good luck with you films! Make sure you post them on here for us all to Oooooo and Ahhhh at :yes:
Film Score

Hey Ben,

You mentioned on IndieTalk that you dont know any musicians and what someone to do the score for your film.
I'm keen to get involved. Either offering you pre-recorded songs or creating some specifically for your film.

Flick me an email and we can talk further.
