what inspires me

Absolutely nothing :-D

I ordered two guns for $2 each from amazon 4 days ago. Should get them by friday. Scrambling up short violence exploitation type script, and do gonna do some good ol' shooting texas style!

Absolutely love this short bang bang action clip.

I don't know if I liked tears much though..
It reminds me of mr. mrs smith shoot out scene.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie final fight scene

As far as what inspires me. Well it would be movies and tv I watch. Life inspires me too. Like events that happen to me or to others can be inspiring too. I also love to listen to the commentary tracks for DVDs and listen to how movies were made. I also of course like watching documentaries on making of movies.
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Internet B-List Celebrity Freddie Wong is hilarious. This is an old school one of his, but it's still great:

Movies, books, music and all that usual stuff to be sure, but I also get a lot of inspiration from traveling around the country, being on the road a lot (which does take up a surprisingly high amount of my time). The people I meet, the weird little towns. A lot of my material for scripts, novels, short fiction and even poetry has come from that stuff.