editing What if audio post company does not have the software?

Davinci Resolve, the post production coloring suite software, now has the capability to edit video content. Let us assume one is editing a feature film in Davinci Resolve with all the dialogue tracks, foley, sound effects and film music score matched up nicely to the relevant areas with the video track, what if one then moves the locked edit to an audio post production facility would there not be a problem if the facility does not use Resolve in their pipeline? What if the post production facility only have access to Avid or Premiere, how would they be able to watch the film and at the same time perform their professional post production audio enhancements to all the audio files in the Resolve locked edit film if the facility does not have a copy of Resolve? What is the industry practice or industry standard in terms of after one has a locked edit (video and dialogue tracks all synced) done in Premiere for example? Does that person take the Premiere file of the entire film and give it to the Audio post production company?
Remember that NLEs are not designed to do extensive audio processing; that's not their job.

The majority of audio post facilities use Pro Tools as their DAW. The audio post facility will request the file type(s) they need to import into their DAW, usually OMF or AAF for the audio files, and will request the format for the "locked" picture. You will need to do those conversions/exports into the proper format(s), or pay the audio post facility to do the conversions/exports. Once the audio is edited, processed and mixed the final mix is imported back into the original NLE.
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Context would help. Seems like you are weighing some odds. Like, someone offered a certain amount of hours free to work on your film but the software is not industry standard. So you are wondering what happens if this person cannot finish. Or similar? More info would help and then we could guide you.
Context would help. Seems like you are weighing some odds. Like, someone offered a certain amount of hours free to work on your film but the software is not industry standard. So you are wondering what happens if this person cannot finish. Or similar? More info would help and then we could guide you.

Yes. More info would help. Generally, an audio post facility would have little reason to spend much or any time within an NLE. All NLEs can export the necessary files to ingest into Pro Tools for audio editing.
... just my experience trying to work with Resolve as an NLE: Nobody in the right mind would try to edit a feature movie in Resolve (at the moment). I guess it will mature at some point but my observation is that it is nowhere production ready right now.