A classic character.
I found the first movie kind of tame, but I never bothered seeing part 2, as I heard it was a lot more hardcore; going for the gore factor, including a baby killing. I'm sensitive about that kind of thing, but seeing that you liked it, I'm curious.
Wellllll, I'm not sure that I would say I liked it.

I wrapped the below paragraph in spoiler tags, but I think you can read it, Scoop. I'm just talking about what you already revealed above. It's addressed to you, after all. =)
You know, I haven't even been sure that that was a baby killing until you said it was a baby killing. But yeah, there is a baby killing. But, as creepy as it might sound, it's not nearly as bad as that sounds. It's like...what the hell? Did she just kill her own baby? (There's a spoiler, sorry. But perhaps it will prepare you a bit, if you need some preparation.) But by that point in the movie it's like...just par for the course. It's all outlandish enough that I don't think you'll be traumatized. If you decide to watch 2 and it turns out I steered you wrong, then be angry at me (but not for too long!). I can take it. But I would bet you have more fortitude than I do.

There is a lot of bludgeoning. I would say there's really a modest amount of gore. It's just that there are a couple of examples which are fairly stellar examples of gore. But haven't we all pretty much seen it all in all of the horror films over the decades?
At least, I don't think this quite crosses over the line into torture porn territory. Well, not quite as far as films like Hostel. I could be wrong. But if you can watch those films, I suspect you'll be okay with this one.
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