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What genre is this?

Hey all, hope you don't mind if I use all y'all as guinea pigs again... :blush:

I have a new screenplay that my manager will be unleashing on H'wood in the next few weeks, and we're trying to come up with a title for it. The working title has been The Catch, but my manager feels that title may suggest the wrong genre. It hadn't occurred to me, but maybe he's right.

So, what genre does it suggest to YOU? If you didn't know ANYTHING else about it, just the title The Catch, what pops into your mind? Not plot, just genre.

You might put your responses in
quotes, so others aren't influenced by your answer.

"Topless in topsiders"

And you'll sell millions of copies throughout the US.

Hot on the heels of the current project comes the porno parody "Topless in Topsiders!"

(Possibly Safe For Work)
Hmm...you might be on to something. Maybe I should rethink the whole male lead thing...

This actress lives nearby, is looking for work, and clearly knows her way around a boat:


(I'm serious, BTW. I don't know her personally, but she is an actress and is looking for work, if anyone's casting...)