What else do you do?

fun thread, interesting to hear about the outside lives

i do a bit of a lot of things, my favorites are freelance public access and short film PA work, freelance photography, and youth basketball coaching. i've also done ESL teaching, some traveling, and as much camping as i can. at the moment i live/work at a hostel and am looking for part time in-house photo work somewhere, wish me luck!
I s'pose I'll post up what I do now. It's cool to hear what everybody is up to outside these forum walls.

My day job is working in illustrator for 8hrs making t-shirts. It's not glamorous, but it pays the bills.
I am currently on the brink of getting hired full time at a production agency here in town, been interning w/ them for about three months with much talk lately of them wanting to get me there full time.
Other than that, I'm producing a series of videos for the updated S.H.A.R.E. program in Northern Nevada/California (that project is pro bono, in association with the Non-Profit Organization I work with).
I own White Opus, a small media production company for some cash on the side. Trying to make that bigger in the future.
I also do painting and make some electronic music (that i'm far too embarrassed to share w/ all of you).

finally, I love skateboarding. it's my therapy, exercise and meditation. fertilizer for creativity.
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There was an article about this local YouTube show called Beer and Board Games (from the Chad Vader guys) last week. The few shows I've watched so far were pretty entertaining. I wonder if it would be a good promotional opportunity for Fishagon or for one of your other games (or not)?

Thanks! James Mathe, owner of Minion Games, is a huge member of the indie tabletop industry and keeps a database of reviewers & manufactures. These guys weren't on the list, but I'll have them added. I watched a few episodes and agree it's pretty entertaining. I'll consider sending them a game or two ^_^. Thanks again.

Wil Wheaton does (I'm assuming it's still going) with Felicia Day do a web series that reviews board games. They may also be well worth talking with. They're both known gamers.

Tabletop with Wil Wheaton! Such a popular show! But he invites celebrities onto the show to play games. I know people who have had games on there, my friend Chris Ledger's Roll For It! was on there and I have a few friends with games upcoming on it's future seasons... but honestly the show is REALLY hard to get on. It requires a good fan base for the game on the internet. Kickstarters that WAY over fund normally can pull his attention.

Being a huge fan of Felicia Day... I'd love for my game to get on her network lol. I have a few future releases that are aimed for that kind of hobby gamer popularity.


Also to update with the topic of the thread, today I filled out my payroll papers for a new part time job! I now work for Full Sail as a work study in Soundstage 1B, which means I'll be helping teach Lighting. :3 (Plus it pays really good... )