What do you think of my poster?

The skills and effects are technically fine. :yes:

However, thematically the image does not communicate anything relevant to either the title or brief. :no:

If she were a germaphobe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysophobia) then it would make sense.
But a woman with an air filter mask doesn't really communicate schizophrenia, characterized by
... a breakdown of thought processes and by a deficit of typical emotional responses. Common symptoms include auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global lifetime prevalence of about 0.3–0.7%.Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the patient's reported experiences.

Also, the word "film" does not need to be capitalized @ "Short film following... "

Also, I believe there needs to be a space after the period "... to it's end. [space] This twisted... "

Also, "it's" is a contraction of it and is. You need the possessive form of 'it", no apostrophe: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/its?s=t

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Thank you very much ! I truly appreciate your feedback!

The reason why she is wearing a mask is not because of the sickness she has , It is simply because the film is Post Apocalyptic .

I wouldn't want to spoil the plot , but hey , thanks for the feedback once again ! :)
Yeah I also noticed the space between "end.This"

And for the rest, impressed by the photoshop skill, might have something to do with my skills haha

Can't wait to see the film!

Subbed on your channel!
I wouldn't want to spoil the plot , but hey , thanks for the feedback once again ! :)
Trust me, it's just going to p!ss people off, which is NOT your desired effect.

A) They're going to assume the director's an idiot because the image does not match the title or text. Non sequitur.
They're NOT going to have their interest piqued.
They're going to pass.

B) Those that do watch are going to be expecting one thing then getting another.
Again - p!ssed off audience.
Not good.

There's zero connect between the title, the image, and the description.
That's a fail triangle.
Not good.

The title needs to match the text at a minimum.
Trifecta would be if the image shucks N jives with the title and text.
Right now you got dirt nothing.
You're hand is a bluff, and when your audience calls your bluff they're gonna call "bullsh!t" on you.
Not good.

Match the title to the story or match the story to the title.
Then match the image to them both.

The technical skilz r there.
Just gotta work on the delivery of the creative skilz.
With that white wall behind her, she looks more like a nurse using a Home Depot dust mask instead of a surgical mask... which makes the film look really cheap, with no attention to detail.

Now, I understand that it's supposed to be post-apocolyptic - maybe try & work that into the background?

Also, the brief decription (unsure if supposed to be logline or tagline) needs some work.

Good luck with the shoot! I'lkl check it out when it's ready to watch :)

Thank you both for the constructive critisism , I'll definetely make a second poster when I get near to releasing an actual teaser and try to work harder on creating it more believable.

Thank you very much yet again .
With that white wall behind her, she looks more like a nurse using a Home Depot dust mask instead of a surgical mask... which makes the film look really cheap, with no attention to detail.

Now, I understand that it's supposed to be post-apocolyptic - maybe try & work that into the background?

I thought nurse when I saw it. Working that post apocalyptic suggestion might do wonders for theme and mood of the film.