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What do YOU think makes a movie interesting

I have been trying to hone my writing skills per say and I was trying to find what makes a film interesting. It was pretty easy to Find that there's no "right" awnser to that question. So I ask you what keeps you interested in a film or short film. Both in the writing and visually on camera or even with music. Just looking for as many opinions as possible.
When I can immerse myself into the story, and rarely/never be pulled out of it because of how captivated I am by the events, then I consider it interesting. It's not one aspect, there's no secret ingredient. Everything must come together to form an illusion. It doesn't matter if a magician nails one aspect of the trick, if there's something missing or done wrong, the trick fails and loses it's entertainment and enjoyment. If you execute a good story poorly, it doesn't matter that the story is good, because the viewing experience isn't enjoyable due to poor execution. Audiences don't care what went into making the film, but what they see on the screen.
As much as it pains my fingers to type that I actually agree with Chimp, but this seems to be the case. I happen to be a "Character Arc" fan. I like to see a BELIEVABLE transformation in a character. The character in my screenplay is completely transformed.

Deep inside I think we all desire to see a character arc develop within ourselves ...but real life seldom allows it to happen. Too many obstacles in life. ...So we watch movies and live out own desires in other movie character's lives.

Excellent Character Arcs:


"Pursuit of Happyness"


"The Last Samurai"

"True Romance"

The films that catch and keep my interest are those that tend to build up to the unexpected. Normally when it happens in a film once (even on a small level) you can expect it to happen again in that same film. I just love to be successfully set up to one expectation and instead a different (but believable/organic) outcome that I was not expecting.
I've thought long and hard about what makes something dramatic.. what I came to was this… If something is going on in real life, and I will stop whatever I'm doing to see it.. then that is drama. that's what makes a movie good