what do you guys think of lost?

I stopped watching halfway through the second season and never watched another episode. The Inception school of "whoa look how cool we are with this really convoluted plot with 84,000 twists" just doesn't do much for me.

I'd barely call them plot twists. The writers admitted to exploiting the human psychological tendency to connected unrelated things or events. I had fun watching them create a puzzle with no resolution (purposely) for about 3.5 seasons via Netflix - then I lost interest and start watching other stuff.

Lost had it moments while it held my interest; I might go back and finish it just for yucks. Too much other stuff that I find more interesting/inspiring visually or from a craft perspective. And besides, I've still got 11 season or so of Top Gear to roll through, haven't even begun The Wire or Boardwalk Empire, and I'm pretty sure I am least 2-3 seasons behind on Dexter.