What can i do to make a gunshot wound lool realistic

I'm shooting a shot and a person needs to fall to the ground and the person's forehead is revealed to have a gunshot wound in his forehead. so what kind of things would I need to buy to make that look semi realistic? I shoot this weekend.
Use Mortician's wax (nose and scar wax). Get a small tube of lube to go with it (to lessen the tackiness of the wax).

Get blending makeups.

Get spirit gum.

Put spirit gum where hole will be. Let it dry a bit, then dab your finger on it to make it tacky.

For a standard size entry wound, use a blob of wax about a 1/2 an inch in diameter. Blend that down above the spirit gum. Blend the edges as smoothly as possible. Then use some kind of tool to carefully gouge out the center of the wax area. Hollow it out.

Now blend the wound to the person's skin tone.

Paint black or deep red into the hole. Then add key blood red makeup to the inner of the hole, and bits of the outside. If you can get a hold of 'blood gel' add that to the inside, and have it droop out however you see fit.

Now add thicker stage blood for the initial drips down the face.

Then, when on set before the shot, apply the larger quantities of blood (karo, etc).


If you want to look like brains are splattering out. You can use a makeshift PVC tube that is sealed up as a pressure pump (with a release valve). Put bits of jello and blood in the holding section of the tube. For the shot, you can hold the pressure tube behind the actor and release during the shot. Have the actor jolt his head back with the release and bingo...instant brain take.

Obviously this is to be done pre-bullet wound. Cutting in the wound later.

You can also contact a CG artist, who can add blood splatter at key moments, and they can also add CG bullet holes if the action is quick.

I'm REALLY not promoting my movie here, but check out the trailer for our latest feature, you'll see a LOT of bullet wounds and effects. In the trailer link below, you'll see the blood tube effect at the time of 1:52.


If you want to use the CG artist we used, I can share that with you.

Thanks. Good luck.
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thanks that really helps. The only problem I'm going to face is trying to make the blood trickle out of the wound when he hits the ground

That's a toughie. You may have to cheat it. Unless you want to create a fake head, and tube it with a blood release for a CU insert...there's nothing you can do.

Well there is...if your CGI artist is skilled, and the camera is stationary, he or she might be able to fake it. That's not an easy effect, especially if the camera is moving and up close...so they have to be good.

If you want blood actively pumping out of the wound...it will have to be a fake head insert shot. We tend to just place the fx blood before the shot, and if we want it dripping, we add more just before 'action!'

Good luck.