...I opened page 1 about 5 months ago. Read 3 pages. thoroughly enjoyed all 3 pages. Put the book down on my desk.

You sound like me. Or, I'm too like you.
Josh, you're such a wonderful bibliophile. I wish I could say I read anywhere near the amount you read!

So it makes me wonder if you also write. I mean, I know you write music and I know you write comic books. But do you also write novels or short stories? If not, do you plan to? Perhaps you should!
I'm a tortoise by comparison, so I'm still on the last of the
Dune books (those written by Frank, that is). And I've really come to appreciate the series. He really was a good writer. I still have much of
Chapterhouse: Dune to go. So far, I think I might have liked
Heretics of Dune the most. It's like he really hit his stride with that one. I know you, Josh, recommended I check out the other ones too, but I'm reluctant to read any not written by FH himself. Even you said something like the quality of writing drops off.

But maybe I will.
Seriously thinking about giving the first of the
Wheel of Time books a try next to see if it's my cup of tea.
Although, I've had a nagging interest in reading
House of Leaves, something I believe someone also recommended on this thread up there somewhere. So that's a likely candidate for next read too.