Wes Anderson Movies

I've seen a good number of Wes Anderson movies. And I hear so much buzz about them, but i cant seem to enjoy them. even if i force myself to. What is the appeal to his movies, can anyone tell me?

I mean granted I do have things I like such as cinemetography is a little nostalgic and welcoming, and the cast is familiar.

But whats the appeal?
I really want to like him. But I just can't.
I don't watch a lot of Wes Anderson movies. The most recent I saw was Moonrise Kingdom and I thought it was a really solid movie.

And PTA is a beast! Boogie Nights is a masterpiece!
I like them, quite a bit. The characters are my favorite parts, followed closely by the wide ange cinematography.

His characters are very "underacted" according to a lot of opinions. I like it, it invites you to assign your emotions to the character and connect a little more quickly.
Something that will make Wes Anderson films make much more sense.

That said, it's definitely a love it or hate it sort of thing. I'm only with him about half the time. But when I like him, I love him. The Life Aquatic is one of my favorite movies.

As for the other Andersons, I have no problem turning my brain off for a PWSA film though I often want to like them more than I do (Event Horizon, I'm looking at you). And if PTA had only directed Magnolia, he'd still be one of my favorites!
We don't all like the same things, nothing wrong with that. I think his movies are hilarious, and I think he paints some real vivid, real characters.
it's definitely a love it or hate it sort of thing.

Speaking for myself, that's not the case. I very much appreciate what Wes Anderson does and I think he's a unique and brilliant voice, but I have yet to see a film of his that I'd want to watch again. Once, sure (on video), but once is plenty. None of his characters or stories speak to me on any meaningful level. I'm not confused by them -- his metaphors are clear enough. Just don't find them particularly interesting.

I know several people who feel exactly the opposite. For their sake, I'm glad Wes is successful enough to keep making his films. More power to him.

Paul Thomas Anderson is a different story. I'd watch his stuff over and over. :yes:
Just to chime in, I've never liked anything of his I've seen, and actively avoid his movies. I have a lot of friends who love his movies. I just can't find the appeal in them myself.
I do like Wes Andersons films. He creates a very unique world for his films to exist in, both visually and with the characters he creates. I think that is hugely commendable. However he does appeal strongly to the instagram-hipster community which I cannot abide and always initially puts me off his work, a stupid reason if any!!

I think PT Anderson is really overrated, Magnolia is great. But ...Blood and The Master I thought were OK. Both I think ruined by high expectation and overzealous fans constant praise of this genius... even his IMDB bio is pretentious bollox!! :lol:
I've been a fan of Wes Anderson for years, but haven't really been too in to his recent films. I think when Bottle Rocket first came out it just kind of spoke to where I was in life at the time. For me things seemed to change around the time of Life Aquatic, which I didn't particularly like at first but did grow on me over time. Everything after that have been films that are technically pretty good but I just find I don't relate to them much, they seem to be too focused on his style without as much personality. All of those earlier films were co-written with Owen Wilson, and none since have been, so I suspect that he contributed a lot to whatever it was that initially drew me to the films.