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watch We risked our safety shooting this.

Watch two money-hungry real estate brokers show you how gentrification will impact your city.


Here's a short I wrote and directed live in Skid Row, one of the worst homeless communities in the U.S. for those outside of Los Angeles. It was inspired by my personal encounter with this sad baby there last Summer.

I took an antagonist point of view to allow the audience to interpret the ending however they wish.

Please share any feedback. Since we put it up yesterday, it's over 2,200 views and counting. :)
Back in the 90's I worked on an MOW named August Fires (renamed Flash fire because it sucked so bad), and 90% of the exterior shots were night and filmed in the Mission district. Growing up in the clean, safe SF Valley of the 60's, it was 'eye opening" to actually SEE how people lived down there. With a cup of water and a wad of newspaper, addicts would clean windshields for a buck, and when they got $5, they'd dart off to score a sliver of crack. 30 minutes later, they were hustling for their next fix. Toothless women would offer to "ease my problems" for a twenty. We always had SOMETHING for people to do to earn a few dollars, from policing the gutters to wrapping cables. And there was always enough food to give the regulars SOMETHING to eat. And remember, the same people who made you feel unsafe are preying on the homeless as well. In a 5 year period, my best friend (now retired LAPD) was shot once, shot at 3 times, and had 2 partners shot working PM's in Downtown, and that was "normal". I guess that's why I chose LASO, it was SUPPOSEDLY safer.

There but for the grace of God...
I think a certain amount of risk is acceptable.
People in the circus risk their lives every performance.. but they train and prepare so the risk is mitigated.

I wouldn't advocate being reckless.
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I disagree. The short film will be around much longer than you will be.

You forget a little detail here:
if you do get killed during shooting a short film, there is still no short that will be around longer than you.
There is raw footage which is probably incomplete. And big change that if you are killed by a human the camera with the raw footage will be gone as well.

Do you think your friends and family will say: "We miss you, but we are glad we have all this incomplete raw footage."?

Risking your life is only 'cool' when you survive it :P
The big problem is that a lot of risks people take are not 'calculated', but a gamble.
You forget a little detail here:
if you do get killed during shooting a short film, there is still no short that will be around longer than you.
There is raw footage which is probably incomplete. And big change that if you are killed by a human the camera with the raw footage will be gone as well.

Do you think your friends and family will say: "We miss you, but we are glad we have all this incomplete raw footage."?

Risking your life is only 'cool' when you survive it :P
The big problem is that a lot of risks people take are not 'calculated', but a gamble.

You make some good points, but an attempt at immortality shouldnt be easy. :) if I'm a suicide bomber and I fill my vest with fireworks instead of c4, do I really love Allah? On the same token, if I don't almost die making my short, do I really love film?
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They sat in a car and talked. How did they risk their safety? Did the car have a ticking bomb in the engine that I'm not aware of, forcing them to shoot very quickly?
They sat in a car and talked. How did they risk their safety? Did the car have a ticking bomb in the engine that I'm not aware of, forcing them to shoot very quickly?

He was using his "business/marketing" background to bullshit all of us with a click-bait title. I had a similar reaction to you.

This is a guy who came here, made two threads about himself and then never posted again.
I knew that. I just couldn't figure out why you guys were still talking about it

I knew that you knew it.

When you wrote that reply, did you know that I knew that you knew?

I didn't like it, but maybe thats just because I was annoyed at your thread title. I find it in poor taste to say 'we risked our safety' as a clickbait title, when all you did was film some homeless people, who's lives are actually in danger every day. The whole thing comes across as a bit disingenuine as a result.

Dialogues not bad, the guy on the left looks too young to be believable in that role though, and I found it a bit shmaltzy.