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watch We Dont Curse - Rap

You should practice your "rap body language". Also, a lot of the rhymes seems forced, and I would practise the delivery so it doesn't sound so choppy. I would have tried a fish effect or even try to get a hold of a fish eye, for that LL Cool J- Phenominon look. Over all I enjoyed it but thought if the rhymes would have been better/funnier it would have improved it a lot. Is "a lot" one word??:)

I thought it was pretty good. I don't think you needed to artificially up the saturation given how bright the colours should've been in the first place.

Looks like it's doing good business of YouTube so good for you. I thought it was pretty funny!

PS: Hey, Dr.Murdock!
I thought the delivery of the rhymes were weak also. Which is a shame because some of the jokes are kind of funny, they just needed to be pushed further.