Warner Brothers will reboot Batman.

Your news source isn't exactly up-to-date. Batman might get the reboot, but the latest I've heard is pure speculation. Plus, those who've seen "Dark Knight Rises"
know that there is plenty of room for a sequel, with or without Nolan/Bale.
I'd heard that too, and heard that Nolan would be producing the reboot (weird hey?) but that seems to be speculation, though he is producing Man of Steel.

I'd add a little more but I don't know how to do that black cover thingy.. haha
CrackerFunk, I know what you're getting at,
but I don't see a continuation without Bruce Wayne, unless he somehow escaped, which would make this movie tacky.

That said, why didn't they ask me to produce??? :cry:
Wait, what? I think we're having a miscommunication. I don't know what you're saying. I'm saying that
I think they intentionally left a HUGE door open for sequels, with or without Wayne
Bruce Wayne did escape, didn't he? I thought that was the whole point. And I agree with CF, definite room for a sequel with JGL as Robin or Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. I think that you could still have a Batman movie in which Batman isn't the main character, although I reckon they can and will come up with a clever way to get a new Bruce Wayne (or just a new Batman) without rebooting. Not least because it's such a cash cow that WB aren't going to want to wait 10 or so years to reset (or the 5 that Spiderman waited and hasn't done as much business as a result).
Figured it out ;)

I think there's plenty of room to either reboot Batman, or funnel what is already there into the Justice League movie.

I also think that
It's pretty obvious he escaped, and whilst there may have to be a really good reason for him to come back, maybe in quite a few years, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. I'm interested in what's to come next, whether we see a Robin spinoff, and how it will all funnel into the Justice League movie eventually.

for future reference, I think you should stay until the movie is over. He and Alfred crossed paths at the aforementioned restaurant.

I hope they make the Justice League movie. And I hope they do it with this current franchise, no reboot. I don't think it necessary. Give us a couple Robin movies, sans Batman, then bring back the bat. No reason Robin can't bring he and Catwoman out of retirement.
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I stayed till the end of the credits.
I know of the speculation that Wayne survived, and the scene where Alfred saw him with Selina could have been a sign, but, if so, then that would have ruined the power of the ending.
I think it's more than a hint. To me it's empirical evidence: Lucius Fox discovers that he fixed the auto-pilot meaning that he either intentionally committed suicide or fakes his death and then Alfred sees him in Paris with Selina Kyle. Not sure why you'd think anything other than that he'd escaped.
I stayed till the end of the credits.
I know of the speculation that Wayne survived, and the scene where Alfred saw him with Selina could have been a sign, but, if so, then that would have ruined the power of the ending.

But it was a lot more than that. Lucius was checking out the Bat-plane, and noticed that somebody had finally successfully programmed the auto-pilot. And then right after that, Alfred sees Bruce and Selena in the restaurant. And there was no indication that it was a fantasy scene or imagination of Alfred, or anything like that. Bruce Wayne is alive and living his life. And I personally disagree -- I think the ending is all the more powerful because of that.

Sounds like this entire thread should be blacked out.

IF that's the case, then that's the case. I have no problem with Wayne actually being alive, so long as it's made clear to most people. The question then is if that restaurant scene was just a dream/wishful thinking sequence or a real one. My problem with it being real is that everyone in the world knows what Bruce Wayne, (former) billionaire, looks like.

As for the software fix, I thought it could have been Selina Kyle using Wayne's stolen fingerprints and/or the software he gave her. But, on second thoughts, yes, that could be a sign he's still around. I'll have to think about that.
I thought it was a cop out! He should've died. But, then again, I thought Harry Potter should've died so maybe I just have a problem with people who turn out to not be dead. I like my endings like I like my coffee... dark, but with a little bit of milk. And sugar if it's iced coffee.
I agree, I think the ending is great the way it is, and much better than if he had just comitted his own suicide. I think the whole theme of the movie shows that he wasn't afraid of death and in fact welcomed it, but in order to make that jump, he needed to fear the death that would otherwise overcome him if he were to not make it, so I don't see him committing suicide. There's also no reason for Alfred to imagine him with Selina, if anything he should be imagining him with Rachel.

I also think that no matter how much he looks like Bruce Wayne, by faking Bruce Wayne's death he's merely going to be that guy who looks a lot like Bruce Wayne to anyone other than conspiracy theorists. Had he not faked the death of Bruce Wayne, then he wouldn't be able to live a normal, simple life.

So many black lines..
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I agree with your assertion that more people ought to recognise him but I think the idea is that he knows that Alfred goes to Florence for his holiday and wants to appear there in order to let Alfred know that he is still alive and, most importantly, happy. I don't think that necessarily means he's living a life out in the open- he probably spends most of his time living in a cave, perhaps weekending in a shack by the sea.
Holy Crap! I just figured out how they're going to tie this in to the Justice League!

Just kidding. If you haven't seen the movie, you shouldn't be reading these spoilers. Why would you do that to yourself?

On a serious note -- did he fake Bruce Wayne's death? I don't recall that.
Cracker Funk, you're confusing me.


I mean, you guys are commenting on how it's weird that Bruce Wayne is just hanging out in a Parisian cafe, without being noticed. But...I don't recall any "death" of Bruce Wayne, only the "death" of the Bat-Man. Did the public ever find out that the Bat-Man was Bruce Wayne? Honestly, I don't recall any specifics on that front. What I'm getting at is that perhaps Bruce Wayne could still be accepted as alive, if disappeared. Or is there an important detail I missed/forgot?