id like a 1 word description for the 2 types of wedding videos i offer clients. As i'm not sure that clients are clear what they are with what they are called currently.
1. Featurette - (current name)
- up to 5-10 min highlights video (like the other millions of wedding videos found on YouTube)
- vows, speeches and other inspiring elements integratad as both direct audio and as a voice over,
- sequence is generally in order with some events mixed in to maintain flow.
2. Documentary - (current name)
- could be 1 - 1.5 hours long
- start to finish video without any creative editing. its just all items recorded one after another for full day coverage.
1. Featurette - (current name)
- up to 5-10 min highlights video (like the other millions of wedding videos found on YouTube)
- vows, speeches and other inspiring elements integratad as both direct audio and as a voice over,
- sequence is generally in order with some events mixed in to maintain flow.
2. Documentary - (current name)
- could be 1 - 1.5 hours long
- start to finish video without any creative editing. its just all items recorded one after another for full day coverage.