archived-videos Vanity Mirror: short horror film

Wanted to share a movie of mine with everyone. This is a short (TRT about 8 minutes) horror film called "Vanity Mirror." To see the movie go to:

To learn a little more about the movie check out the web site at:

Synopsis: An ordinary day for the beautiful and self-absorbed Stephanie turns terrifying when an entity, in the guise of a homeless man, decides he will teach her a lesson in humility.

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ktdamien said:
Wanted to share a movie of mine with everyone. This is a short (TRT about 8 minutes) horror film called "Vanity Mirror." To see the movie go to:

To learn a little more about the movie check out the web site at:

Synopsis: An ordinary day for the beautiful and self-absorbed Stephanie turns terrifying when an entity, in the guise of a homeless man, decides he will teach her a lesson in humility.

That was freaky :no: Kt awesome work. Great flick you guys should check this one out.
That was awesome!

Nothing sets a creepy mood better than a sad accordian.

I expected the accordian player to make more appearances... but then again, that would have been the obvious thing to do.

What's up with the odd frames, btw? Jumpy film skip in the 'cine? I noticed odd boundaries on the side earlier as well. (Mainly in the bathroom scene)

I'm having visions of Stephen King's "Thinner", now... I think the whole accordian scenes got me thinking about gypsy curses.

Extremely nice flick (and not as gruesome as the colour stills on the website suggest).

I'm sleeping with the lights on tonight.

The accordian player is my friend and a wonderful DP, Sean, who I was able to convince to do this movie because I told him he would only be in 5 shots. He loves working behind the camera and hates to be in front of it.

I had a friend do the transfer for free so I wasn't picky when I got it back and it wasn't perfect. I also went through hell to get the movie finished because I was using another friend's editing system (I have a lot of very good friends) and I basically had to finish all my sound work in one day and night burn my DVDs and be done with it and I just forgot about the crappy frame, you don't notice it when it's on a TV.

My make up man was awesome! He made me wish I had color film when I saw what he was able to create with just a few simple instructions. This was my first horror film and my first make up artist. I got really lucky with the way everything worked out. My pre-production was about a month, I shot the film in 4 days, and post-production was a couple of months on and off. This one was fast and cheap. Just the way I like my...movies to be.

Took all of 20 minutes to get bumped to homepage!

Not seeing anything on your site about what it was shot on, etc. Guessing 16mm?

Nice to have friends to let you have access to equipment for free. :yes:

Excellent short! Please tell Sean he did an outstanding job as the accordian player. It would have been very easy to overact but his performance was subtle - and that the character believable... and downright creepy!
ktdamien said:
Wanted to share a movie of mine with everyone. This is a short (TRT about 8 minutes) horror film called "Vanity Mirror." To see the movie go to:

To learn a little more about the movie check out the web site at:

Synopsis: An ordinary day for the beautiful and self-absorbed Stephanie turns terrifying when an entity, in the guise of a homeless man, decides he will teach her a lesson in humility.


Nicely done by all involved!

Me like horror.

ok – now that freaked me out! Great acting, makeup and use of music. There were a lot of creepy shots in this but my favorite was near the end when she was looking at her reflection in the bathroom door mirror. There was a really good close-up shot where she gave that evil grin …. nice!
I'm gonna go against the grain and bring up a couple of criticisms. I think the sound was bad during most of the dialogue - it just sounded fake. And Ms. Denton (while very beautiful) was overacting a bit at the beginning (when she was being mean).

Other than those two I think it was a pretty well done short. I liked the B&W cinematography.

Thanks for the input. It feels really good to be praised a lot, but I like getting criticism too. It's hard to view your own work objectively, so it's nice to hear how it can be improved from an outside perspective. You're right about the dialogue, it was all looped except for 2 lines because I shot with a silent film camera. I knew that was a limitation when I shot it.

Did anyone notice that 2 shots of the movie were shot on video? It was my own fault, I overexposed the film for 2 crucial shots, and then I wasn't able to reshoot on film so I did it with a friend's Canon XL1s. It's probably harder to see it online, but I cringe every time those shots come up.

I have to agree somewhat with Poke.. although the only spot I really noticed the sound issue was the second time the guy shows up with the flower when she says "Stop Following Me" the background noise didn't mesh with the rest of the film, but otherwise it sounded fine.

I, however did like her acting, at least the first time she blew the guy off, when he was offering the flower to her. I've seen many many women give that look of disgust to people (surprisingly not always me.. ;) )

Overall, I enjoyed it. It had a decent story, good moral message, etc. It's refreshing to see something that could I suppose be called "Horror with a purpose" or something. A horror film that has a purpose to its existence, other than just gore. (Not that those are all bad, but change is good) Anyway, nice job.
Greetings, I just watched your film Vanity Mirror and I thought it was very well done. The accordion player was great. I shot a music video in black and white and I love the creepiness you can achieve with it. As for the sound issues, I have been there. I think in my 3 films and counting I have made the sound that is dubed in is the hardest thing to "get in sync," and to mesh with the same tone of what is going on in the flick. I say practice makes perfect and for a short, low buget film this one kicks ass in my opinion. I think I will have someone who knows sound do my next project, someone better than me at it. Keep up the cool work. Kip Whitaker Tomcattwist Productions
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Nicely Done

Hey, the film was great. I really like the premise, but I would have like a bit more setup for the character.

I knew from the title that she was vane, but I would have like a bit more dialogue in the beginning, perhaps talking about how she thinks she's so beautiful, more beautiful than most women. Some more of the husband in the beginning would have helped too. We didn't meet him until the 3rd act really.

But besides that the acting was well done, framing and lighting was excellent and I was impressed with the makeup job on the sliced face.

Hope to see some of your other films sometime.

Good luck!
