Vampire Prosthetic -- Opinions?

Hey gang.. I'm working on the sculpture of the facial prosthetic for the vampire in our film. The director wanted to get something a bit unique, different than the standard Lost Boys/Buffy look that has become kind of the defacto standard in recent years.

His original sketch was a big bulky L shaped piece that would attach to the base of the forehead, and had a bunch of vertical spikes on it. Given the time, budget, etc -- not really a feasible design, also casting it would have been a pain because it was one giant undercut.

So I took that idea, and tried to make it a bit more organic looking. By organic I don't me realistic human bone structure, I mean more curved.. Anyway, aside from the slight superhero mask look it's got at the moment, I kind of like the direction this is heading. It still needs some texturing and a bit of cleanup, but I think it's pretty well there.

I'd love to hear opinions either way. Love it? Hate it? Comments, suggestions, etc..



Of course I talk about it a bit more in detail on the blog. ;)
I've done a little more work on the design. I think the overall shaping is done and basically all that's left is adding some detail. Would still like to hear opinions and such though..


In this photo I changed the clay color in photoshop to be a close match to the Ultracal, to get a better idea of how it will look on the face.
Nice. I'm not too fond of the nose ridges either. Granted its a photoshop images, but I think the forehead needs to be blended better with the actor and perhaps lessen the ridges curving up around the temple. Good stuff! :)
Yeah, I changed the nose.. it was bugging me a bit. I also increase the angle of the brow, so he will look a bit meaner. As for the blending, it will be MUCH better when finished, the reason it looks crappy now is because the two images don't fit together quite right, and the lighting is much different between the two. It's actually a very seamless blend. ;)
That is great sculpting/modeling, Will. I'm not sure how I feel about it in a vampire role -- it almost looks more alien to me. Regardless, its very impressive work. I'm sure with the right blending makeup it will come off looking really good!
I agree it does have a little alien feel to it, but the director wanted to go a different direction than the run of the mill Lost Boy/Buffy TV Series style of vampire makeup. I'll be casting this in platinum cure silicone gel (aka: PlatSil Gel-10).. it's a very soft translucent silicone that very closely mimics flesh, and it's easy to get very thin blending edges, so the edges pretty much just disappear when it's applied.

The other nice thing about it is that Gel-10 works as its own adhesive, so application just takes another small batch of it, and then removal is simple -- it's just peeled off. The adhesive layer bonds with the appliance so it comes off in one piece, and it's got something like 960% flexability, so it's tough to wreck the prosthetic.

There's some cool videos about working with this stuff on youtube posted by the shop I bought it from. Check 'em out here:

In particular check out the 'Silicone Appliance Application', 'Cut Kit Demo', 'Horror Effects with Platsil Gel-10' videos.
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Well, I seperated the mold this morning.. I was a little bit worried that it might not be thick enough, and didn't want to pull on it too hard, but I had a nice clay outline basically all the way around the edge, so I stuck a putty knife in there to kind of break it apart a bit.. then slight pressure from the nose end, and it popped right off... even left the original sculpture intact! :D

Negative mold:

Not sure if you can see in this photo or not, but the "skin" has a decent texture to it.. kind of rough and weathered: